Whats the best way to get rid of fungus gnats?

This dude runs a tight ship :point_up: lol it’s not all that surprising.


Ok, now we’re talking about invincibility

“If you can get Doug to hang out next to your plants they become pest resistant” :slightly_smiling_face:


I can count on one hand, the number of gnats I’ve seen in my grow room each year.

The biggest thing for me, like I was saying is substantial wind/breeze, but specifically having it at pot substrate level.

This can, however, cause undesirable dryback of the top of the medium and I’ll even get little bits of perlite blown around the tent (not a lot, but, it’s still not ideal to have it blown around)


Mini Doug Dawson bobbleheads filled with litfa


Those mfers can’t really fly for shit. Blow them away :+1:


I would say it’s more just shit house luck, lol.


That’s just what an invincible dude might say, lol.


Must be the smell. :rofl:

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The only reason they’re pests is because they can fly. They serve a similar niche to millipedes, roly polies and red worms and I have all of those. I plant different since I had them - putting the sprouts in root riot is infallible - but seeing them everywhere is what sucked the most.


Larve don’t fly tho


I know, I also do not have fungus gnats. I use a simple method no muss no fuss, fabric pots. That is really all you need to rid yourself of fungus gnats. That and knowinghow to water.


Coco and GH.
I copied this combo from @DougDawson.
He was nice enough to share his recipe. :slightly_smiling_face:

After 2 runs in my tent fighting bugs, especially fungus gnats, I switched away from living soil. No more bugs.
I use organic soil outdoors, the bugs will eat each other.


My bad @SEMOActivist this is why I quoted you


That started out as a recipe from a grower named Renfro, great grower. I tweaked it a bit over time but still, got to give the guy credit as he helped me out years ago. Now I got to help you and you in turn will be able to help the next grower. It’s a beautiful thing. Bugs are actually one of the big reasons I started growing with coco. That and the fact that it’s basically a blank slate. Glad the switched worked out for you bud.



I dont use a fan in my tent, I use the tent for veg. I found through bad runs that it is better to flower in an open room than a tent. Even with fans, filters and weekly cleaning the chances of getting bud rot, powdery mildew and fungus gnats increas in a tent.

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I just keep it clean as i can i clean my tent once a week wash evething down walls, floors and mats any time ive had any like i wrote earlier i just keep trying not to let it get to wet to encourage them to not hang around .

I’m kinda following Ren’s recipe. Doing 1/4 tsp Epsom and 5 ml of each of the Trio per gal without runoff. So far so good. My first plant in coco is now in a 5 gal pot at 4 weeks. It’s taking over the whole middle of my closet. The smaller but taller one on the left is in 15 gals no-till soil.


Powdery mildew is actually an obligate biotrophic ascomycete.


Larvae don’t bother me as much.

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It does not matter what it is, it is spread by spores and a fan in a closed tent will make sure it lands on a bud.

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