Who still runs these dinosaurs :t_rex::sauropod::t_rex::sauropod: lol this is my very first attempt to grow an I got given to me 2 ballists an 2 lights 1 is a 1,000 what HPS an the other is a 600 watt MH


nice. i don’t use them any more but they’re great if they’re free. i wouldn’t go out and buy them though. gonna be a pain controlling heat. i had mine mounted to the top of a box with a bathroom fan cooling it. that was 20 years ago, damn.


lol I still run those dinosaurs :roll_eyes: haven’t been able to find an led that outperforms 1000w mh and hps.
I’m sure it’s out there but I’m not spending 1500 or more to find out. Call me ol fashioned, or maybe a bit stubborn lol


I rock both. Led mess around tents and hid for my large areas. Led cannot match hids in large areas and the leds really start to consume electric once you go larger so no savings there less herb and heat is not an issue in my spaces now 1000 in a 4x4 yes will be damn hot. I think you’re off to a great start with hids and info here. You rocking both mh and hps together or separate veg and flower areas? My buddy swears by the combo for his flower and i cannot argue with his results. Best of luck and happy grows​:beers::fire::fire::fire:


First grow an ya it got hot today 95 for few hrs anywho who do they look so far only got 2


I was taught to run both in flower.
either one to one or two HPS and one Halide.
My main rooms were 3 x 1000W HPS and 2 x 1000W Metal Halide.
Later I switched to NH940 conversion bulbs for both the spectrum and they ran on a metal halide ballast. Expensive though. They looked like a HPS tube inside a Halide bulb. I still have one but not sure what kind of life is left in it.
I grow indoors in the winter so the “old school” HID lighting still has a place here in my rooms. I have LED as well but I need to run heaters with those so the power consumption ends up pretty much the same as when I run HID and no heaters as the veg room 1000W heats the flower room via air transfer while the flower room lights are out.


Hey folks,
I am using a mixed spectrum sunmaster bulb. It has both, soduim and halide in it.
My tent sits in the cellar, so that extra heat is welcome.
Leds are really expensive here in Germany.

Chambers :v:


I made lights, from maintenance supple places, buy the parts, for HID’s, and MH. when I first got started, in early 2000.
I first had mated a HPS 150 watt, with a MH 70 watt , and slapped them into my version of NGB stealth box. 11/3/2003
Christmas Box 11 2 03
Then later on, the room got a bit bigger, I would move the HPS and MH bulbs,
(Bulb Dancing) all naked hanging, but I do not have one where all 3400 watts of combined bulbs, were glowing. Some 400’s, 600’s, 1k’s. Just remember while you dance with bare bulbs hanging, not to back into them.
Ozgum ozghani

There is magic in that combo. Some of my earliest runs.


I like the set up U have it’s homemade simple to what u need good job man

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Yes, older tech. But still has it’s place I’m sure.
I’m an LED user. But…
I’ve often contimplated using HPS or CMH through the winter to help control the environment better.


Yeah me to.
With HPS/MH, as much as loved them, I had to run AC, to use them.
When the early UFO revolution, swept the boards, and one of the reasons, I pretty much hate influencers, as they were showing the UFO, replacing HID’s,. What catatonic stupidity the UFO influencers were.
I did get the LED bug. But not from a UFO product, as they sucked so bad.

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I mainly been using 1000w Metal Halide, since they came out with them, in 1977-78. I also do use a 1000w Hortilux HPS, and a Gaviita 1150w DE HPS.
MassMedicalStrains, has just released a new 1000w-600w and possibly a 400w Halide Bulb, that has a slightly enhanced Far Red spectrum, as Sodium, has been engineered into the bulb.
It has basically the same Kelvin as the Hortilux Blue, which is the Gold Standard, for spectrum. The MMS bulb, and is 20% more powerful, than the Hortilux Blue.
I also use 2 Solacure Flower Power UVA/B blbs. 2 for each 1000w HID, in a 4 x 4 area
I also have a 880w Mammoth LED, and a 640w Gavita but IMHO the Expressions of marijuana plants, are different, and more variable, with the Halide. The HPS, will grow a larger plant, of this, I am certain, but, at the expense, of other things I consider a positive.
Ive been using the HID, for so long, the Heat aspect, for me, has long ago, been overcome.
IMHO one of the biggest, if not the biggest obsticle to oivercome with indoor gardening, is enough fresh air exchange. My first plan of attack, when setting up a grow room, ie fresh air exchange. Also consider I dont grow in a tent,. Mainly in a huge basement, with 4 rooms sectioned off. 15 x 5 each. One is for mothers, the other for Veg, and other for flowering,. Other for grow supplies/equipment. Have also used rooms, inside of the house.
With adequate fresh air exchange, the plants can take a good amout of heat. They do outside. It is no different, inside. But, if one doesnt have enough exchange, all bets are off.
The Halide, also have a much wider Spectrum vs LED. A MMS/Hortilux Blue, has a spectrum that covers from 280nm-2000+. While at 280nm, it is not its strongest Peak, it does cover this range, as where the best of the best LED, may go to 380nm, and as high as 750nm. No way LED, at this point and time, can compete with the spectrum of Halide. Specifically, the MMS, and Hortilux Blue.


Yes as I picked up a 600 watt HPS red n orange PAR

I have not used it yet cause I got the 1000 HPS going now an about 4-5 weeks left but I’m gonna hook it up after this run

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I run 2 600 watt hps in my 4x8. One 300 watt led in my 3x3. Another 3x3 with a vs1500 led. And a 5x5 with two tsw2000 led lamps.

I have so many ballasts and hoods. I picked them up for free. Also 3 moving boxes of bulbs various for free.

I love hps. Only reason for led is cost.