When is day 1 of flower? 12-12 pistils or Bud

I count from when I put them to 12/12. But I also wait until they show sex before I move to 12/12 tho. The plant has to be sexually mature for it to flower. For the ones that aren’t I’d start their count from when you first see it with Male or lady parts.


Yes have experienced both and prefer waiting to flower.


So to further the question, when you read about a strain and they say 8 - 10 weeks, is that from 12/12 or from pistols?

I myself dont really count weeks. When i notice the bud formation slow down i start looking for milky and amber trichs.


They usually underrate it so if you are going by that I would count from pistol :gun:


I consider the day after switching to a flowering light schedule to be the first day of flowering. That way it is 100% consistent, and is not influenced by any of the other factors that might affect another way of specifying what day one is.

Having said that, I don’t really care about how long the flower stage is except as a very loose and not particularly useful comparison between different strains.


Sure this was yesterday. Both plants are 2 days apart. But both were in when the light schedule tripped.

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Except im worried about a 16 week flower

Thank you all for your answers and input.
Shouldnt be too far away i think. Dialing her in…

Either it’s a long flowering plants or you have light leaks causing not only the odd leaf blade count aka reveg leaves but also the suspended state of the plant


Day 1 of flower is when you initiate 12 hours of darkness like another member said. What he left out though is the hormones start to distribute in the plant that same day 12/12, 11/13 etc is initiated. If you count from when pistils come out, that is incorrect.

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Nah. Half of them only have 3 blades. And its definitely moving.

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I’m with @toastyjakes . First pistol first day.

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The 1st day of flower is when it starts showing its flowers ie first pistil! It’s not rocket science :rofl:


This is a clone of a girl in flower. She only has 3 fingers up and down


Ill get trich pics later but heres 1 of the oldest.


Same here. Using that measure, my plants are ready after 60 days.

All this gets thrown out of the window if you put a plant into flower before it is sexually mature of course. Then it is a crap shoot depending on the day it becomes sexually mature and is able to produce the plant equivalent of mature sex organs.

If that is the case, counting from the day the seed popped or when you see flowers will give you a more accurate idea.


@Misolo313, I’ve seen you refer to your power outage several times in this thread and in your “…diary after harvest” thread, but I don’t see where you mentioned how long the power was out. How long was it?

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2 hours into lights on. Power went out for 6-7 hours

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I agree first day of flower is day one of 12 and 12 if it’s showing pistils if not it can
still take a week or two to show during 12 and 12 like I said on my thread I flipped mine 2 days ago so they have been in flower for 2 days