Where all the organic growers at?

Even more basic régimen (ya can add any other products ya like): To vegetative a good soil, 1/3 worm casting n 10% wood ashes. N I prefer arlita cos perlita isent so much ecologic… Micorrizaes if ya have. Only neem dust against pests…

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To floration : 1/4 FRUITY, NO INSECTIVORE BATS, n other 10% ashes : the superorganic PK 13/14…
Ya can added other products reajustin proportions…

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Not only to cannabis:

Granado, ya recogido

Pomelos y membrillos:


Chumberal o nopales, con pitas o agaves y yucas entre medias:

Buenos troncos las chumberas o nopales…

Higos chumbos o tunas:

Exuding sugar…



I have a pomegranate tree at the family house too.

Yours looks way better than mine… :confused: dammit…

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I’ve always wanted to have a pomegranate tree and an Avacado tree. Anyways, fellow organic grower here. Getting ready to prep outdoor sites and amend the hell out of the clay soil we have :seedling:

Excuse me but I thought ya was in Alaska… Can pomegranates survived there or yare from another US State?

I have a place in north mexico.

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I got aurora indica master kush and misty kush plus lots of good bag seeds going gorilla style fox farm soil and my own compost


Start a thread in the organic section

Getting close on some Ak47xWW and NLxWW, just starting to pop some Blueberry and amnesia Og beans. Been following Minnesota nice style soil recipes with some great amendments and EWC ,compost Teas and going to add in a 12 seed blend of covercrop to next grow to round things out !


NL x WW sounds like a nice mix and Amnesia i like but havent had in years. Show off some pic’s if you don’t mind.

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I have some amnesia beans too wanted to do them outdoors but I don’t have the 12+ weeks to flower them

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Good to know I just received them as promo for 420 from seedsman!

Not sure which is which it’s either of the two on the ends with some Big bud in the middle

This is my very first grow! Growing conditions are rather cool apox. 63F with lower than ideal humidity with some entry level Leds. Can’t wait to try a few ladies outside!

Looking good, especially with those low temperatures. The camera really shows the focal point of the light you are using. Kinda neat.

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How i used to do it. How i wll do it again. Had 2 - 100 gal. Tanks, 1-150 gal tank with very beautiful fish in every one. Turns unusable tap water into can’t get no better than this water.:+1: