Where are the lizards, bees, and birds?

So has anyone else noticed how much wildlife is missing? This time of year I usually see at least 3-5 lizards in 20 minutes of walking around outside. This year Ive seen 4. No bees I have lots of flowers humming birds everywhere but not one honey bee. People I’ve talked to all over had said same thing. People who get the spring birds robins and the suck aren’t seeing them. Apparently parts of Canada is over run with our spring birds because there isn’t the food here for them. Where are all our little critters?:sob:


when i was young we always had bees, butterflies, a nice variety of birds and even the occasional dragonfly. haven’t seen any in a long while. except for when i planted a few plants outdoors a couple years ago, i saw some bees hanging around them or a plant next to them.


I’m in the desert surrounded by planted flowers bell flowers nothin.

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I live in an urban area and can tell you the Canada Geese are everywhere there is grass.


mean fuckers


Ya Canadian geese fall into sea full and pigeon category when it comes to numbers ,:rofl:


I want to kick them when they get in my way (which is often) but they are protected and I don’t kick animals.

Mostly I worry my dog will get loose and get hurt by one of those fuckers.


They wised up and started hiding from us humans.

Just joking but it’s not real funny. The earth is having a lot of trouble keeping up with general mentality.


I see deer everyday. Elk. Also a few days ago cleaning up a burn pile I saw what had to be around 50 salamanders. Also frogs. Bees all day. And hummingbirds. Bunnies. All sorts of critters. We have a bear visiting as well…tons of birds too. Cherry tree is blooming. There will be a bear up it. Then right when we go pick. The cherries will be decimated by Robin’s :rofl:. I haven’t seen a decline…


Yeah but your bear is keeping most humans at bay


It’s really quite amazing. I live in concrete but I can walk 1km and find deer, beavers, ducks, it’s quite beautiful. I can also see the salmon run which is pretty cool because I’m quite far north of the lake.


True. We thinks he’d make a nice rug :wink:


That’s awesome the salmon run …now that’s neat.


Wait until the salmon run is overrun by the genetically modified halfsalmon they created, stronger than salmon and it’s only a matter of time before salmon is scarce or gone altogether.

That was like the biggest dumbfuck decision they could make, but hey, gotta sell halfsalmon, right?


Well I don’t know about that but I could just hit one with a stick and eat it.

It’s kind of interesting to see them try to get up a particularly difficult jump. You can almost see them thinking about it.


It’s also kind of interesting to see how the males look like zombie fish by the end of it.

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I didn’t realize you were in the city man. I’m in the woods. That’s really why I see the diversity everyday


It’s truly a wicked cycle.

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I live in the city but there’s lots of green space. Not that I go there often.

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It’s non stop in my yard. :man_shrugging:

3x water features + access to food and shelter makes for a migratory stop-over spot for many and a permanent home for sooooo much.

There’s also a massive graveyard with a river running through it less than a block away so there’s coyotes and deer and shit.

They still travel up the Don? :face_vomiting: I get to see that over here on the Rouge.