Where to find seeds in Colorado

I’ve searched the forums a bit but can’t find anything specific.

In about a month I plan on taking a trip to Colorado to see some friends of mine in the cedaredge area. I also plan on buying as many seeds as I can possibly afford.

So my question is, does anyone know where I can buy seeds? Last time I passed through CO I just bought them from a dude on Craigslist, but this time I want to find a shop or club that sells seeds. Not really looking for any specific breeders cause honestly I don’t know any. Just what I’ve heard and read about online. I suppose maybe TGA or bohdi or something

Personally I’m kind of nervous about buying online and I don’t feel like I know you guys well enough to ask about seeds(sorry it’s more about the shark tank stuff, not trying to overstep any boundaries.) I feel I’d be able to get through tsa no problem. Plus I won’t have them shipped the my grow site.

Take it easy OG :v:


Greenpoint Seeds is right in CO


As far as online, I am in SoCal and have ordered a few times and have never had a problem with Seedsman:



The Rare Dankness retail center is in Denver. Most Green Solutions (a rec shop all over Colorado) have their own different crosses, some fem some not. I believe Nature’s Gift Shop in Pueblo West has seeds. The Bank Genetics is somewhere in Denver and they have fems. Denver Clone Store carries seeds as well I’m pretty sure. People have told me about all these spots, but if you just google something like “cannabis seeds Colorado” you’ll find a lot


So are seeds and clones legal to buy for non-residents?


No its not…


No but, he said he’s going to see some friends of his so I figured they would do him a solid! Gotta keep the rebel spirit alive somehow right? Lol


Yup that was the plan, fortunately thanks to the generosity of another member (not gonna post his name without him knowing) I am actually getting seeds in the mail.

I was scouring weedmaps trying to find anything decent, but even the rec stores require a state ID.


@swampthing is in colorado and he’s prob got some buddies there too… some clanky guy i think


I’m in Co too forgot to say that earlier

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Hey @Fewding I’m in CO and would be happy to point you in the right direction depending on the strain you’re looking for. Cedaredge is pretty far from me in Denver though. Like 230 miles. It’s close to Paonia which is a sweet little hippy town where there is plentiful great bud but it’s kinda like Humboldt county… it’s kinda out there and I would recommend knowing someone. If you come through Denver I can put you in touch with some friends that are small boutique breeders like “Deep Space Creations”. They specialize in chemmy strains. My neighbor clankie/CO grown makes some good stuff too and I carry his gear. Also I made a few crosses last round but still in testing. @LongBeachReefer is growing the Marukawa (1991 Indiana Bubblegum x Sakura) and they look fan-fucking-tasting. Depending on your tastes hopefully I’ll be able to help or point you in the right direction. Thanks for the tag @legalcanada



You guys are too nice.
@99PerCent has offered to send me a bunch of seeds and honestly I’m still trying to wrap my head around that. Super excited.
I’m not sure if I’ll be able to drive very far since we will be flying and won’t have our own car and also I’m pretty introverted. Lol. But thank you none the less. I hope I get to do a little sight seeing alteast. But we might just end up getting stupid high and staying at his home. Who knows lol


You should definitely go site seeing. Lots of cool stuff around denver/boulder/CO springs especially if you like nature/outdoor stuff.


Yeah I want to. He said he has mountains not far from his house I definitely wanna go hiking or something


Fair warning there aren’t small hills in that area! But there are some easier ones to do!LOL watch out for altitude sickeness and take it easy!