Where to post about asking about specific strain / if they still exist

I have a dope list of stuff I know about that alot of other people probably dont know or wont remember. and i think it may still be out there. i have a lot of questions, but whats the best place to post about this? Say I want to make a post like, “Does the Pez still exist - where to find it?” or “Has anyone ever heard of a strain called Garlic (Ingrid, Sweet Nightmare, Red + Blue Dragon) etc”

Should i make my own thread in a certain category?


Yes, that’s perfectly fine. Please try to full text search first if there is not a dedicated topic already.

Proper category is #breeders-lab

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Or, if you have something to trade for what ya want, you can post here:

Be warned - seeing as you are a newer or less active member, you will likely be asked to send first.:wink:

Best of luck finding what you are looking for!

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