Where to put heater inside 4x4 to not damage plants

Have a 4x4 project going and my temps won’t break 70. During lights lit they hit low 60s. I wanted to add a heater tied into my controller 69 so controlling it. Where should I place the heater inside of the tent as to not damage the plants? I was thinking somehow a shelf at the very top of tent far away from them? Tips? Thanks all!


If you have an exhaust running 24 hours you could just put a heater near your intake vents.


Intake are on floor by plants though… still be safe you think? I barely keep exhaust fan on , super low. May not pull enough air thru intake as I don’t have an intake fan it’s just passive

I meant put the heater outside the tent. Even with a passive intake it should be enough to keep the temps up

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How big is your light in the tent? Mine kinda self regulates itself with the light on. Mine is 450w ish

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If you only need to raise a couple degrees look into ceramic heaters for reptiles. They are lower wattage than most electric heaters, great to gain a couple degrees. You need to buy the ceramic socket clamp lights made specifically for them though, if you use on with a plastic socket you’ll regret it.

I have two grow spots right now, both heated with the ceramic heaters. In the basement I have it pointing at the cement floor, so it isn’t straight beaming on a plant. Upstairs I have it clamped to the top of the tent, facing the wall of the room, outside of the tent.

They do get hot as all get out, so be careful how you place them.


600w. I’m keeping it at 50% though in veg because even at max height at 100 percent ppfd to high for vegging. I bet if I went to 100% I’d hit the temp w no heater… thoughts


At 50% I’m at 550ppfd at leafs using Photone App. I’d imagine 100 percent in light will be around 1000ppfd and to string

Link to product? Makes me nervous of fire

Is raising your lights and turning them up an option ?

I’ve never measured ppfd or anything. So I’m no expert on that. How about 75% strength? Is that still too high for now?

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Read above

Already answered

I use an oil filled radiant heater in my lung room outside the tent. I have a small floor fan that blows across it in the direction of the tents intake. They’re safer in my opinion than the electric heaters and don’t seem to dry the air out as much.



I used to grow in a poorly insulted basement that would hit 14C at night in the winter. It was fine.


Here ya go.

These don’t get red hot like a normal electric heater, they are more comparable to a heat lamp, but without emitting visible light.

And oil filled heaters are boss, but the lowest draw I have ever seen is like 600 watts, which isn’t nothing.

My basement grow area will float to the high 40s in the winter, and a 100 watt ceramic pointed at the floor keeps it in the 60s.


Tent floor or floor of basement in general? Afraid it may melt tent floor


It is a concrete floor. I would be afraid of the same thing if you put it inside a tent.

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So I’m having similar problems with my setup, I’m in a basement in a 4×4 tent and air temperature outside is around 64ish near bottom intake. So my issue is idk how much airflow it needs for fresh air exchange. When I have exhaust fan on the temp will drop down to 65° or lower then when off it will go back to 70°ish with help from a small infrared space heater placed inside tent what I really need to know is so I need to have exhaust fan on the whole time? I can get it to ideal condition if I don’t exhaust tent but even if I have it turn on every half hour it still brings down the temperature and by the time I get it back to temperature the exhaust turns on and back down it goes. The plant is in late veg and not growing , can someone please tell me how to get it dialed in. The plant is not transpiring so it won’t grow. Should I just open the vent flaps and just circulate inside and not exhaust it? Please help anyone with the knowledge of what to do when grow in basement cause I’m just stumped :face_with_monocle:

I’ve found the best way is to heat the space the tent is in (lung room) and use the exhaust fan to bring the warm air into the tent, a speed controller and timer can vary the airflow well.