Which cmh should I get?

Even with the LED’s you should get a 630 over a 315 if you need to light a 6.5’ x 4’, especially if you need the heat. A single 315 gives off so little heat, you need several to really start getting a cumulative effect.
The effective flowering intensity spread of a single 315 is like 3’ x 3’ at the absolute best, really more like 2.5’ x 2.5’. 2 x 630’s would do really well in that space, and give off a decent amount of heat. Keep the LED’s for summertime.


I figure the cmh is lighting my center and the leds will be lighting the sides… I just finished a run under my qb’s and loved the end result.

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Again going to agree with @vernal my one 630 is intense compared to the 315’s , I had a bigger budget and decided to go with more 315’s for better coverage but i am in tents 4 x4 's and a 5 x5 and the 630 makes some heat, and i dont want heat lol.

But usually a 630 isnt that much more compared to buying two 315’s

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I have honestly been debating just getting a 600w hps. I just don’t want to run that many watts/amps

I saw that it looks like alot of 630’s are around 350 with a bulb.

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How many watts do those space heaters running 24/7 sponge up?

You’re either spending watts heating or spending watts cooling. At best, a 315 is supplemental lighting in a 6.5 x 4 space and won’t do much for heat. Couple 1000w HPS isn’t a bad option either and can be picked up secondhand for next to nothing


that could be, when i got mine was 3 years ago roughly, I think also you are right to stay in your budget. Maybe later if you want or need you can expand. But theres peeps growing gear out with cfls and i heard of someone local using reg incandescent bulbs , with any cmh in my opinion your way ahead of that .

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About .5 kw/h. I feel like a better use of electricity would be producing light lol

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My goal is under .7 kw/h total. Keeps me in my budget for electricity. Currently I’m at .9-1 kw/h, depending on temps. .3 of that are my t5’s for veg right now, but my leds run even cooler, and its about to be the coldest part of winter. I’m fine for all but 2 months of summer otherwise

I wouldn’t sweat the power bill too much, more light = more, heavier flowers.

Unless there’s a failure of some type, it pays for itself a few times over.

But yeah, I feel ya. A $300+ monthly power bill does hurt a bit lol. But I used to spend $200+ per month on weed so it shakes out square haha. To save a little juice, I replaced every lightbulb in the house with LED, helped a little.


Lol, true. I produce for myself, and kinda give to my friends (if your here, your smoking and please put yours away). And being an underemployed chef at the moment when my industry is in tatters means I gotta ball on a budget. I really want a cannagar mold, just to make them for xmas gifts… I’ve been drying and saving my best fan leaves. Im sure a premium cannagar goes for a good price… Almost wish I felt ok exchanging it for monetary recompensation, but it goes against my hippy beliefs lol.

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It may shock you, but the people I used to buy weed from were hippies


Lololol i know! Thats the funny thing. I’ll give you a seed and knowledge, but something about just selling flower just doesn’t sit right with me. Which is funny because I was reliant on buying it for so long