White Specks

I’m just using tap water in there. Honestly was going to remove it either way in harvest and focus on dehumidification.

Kind of at the mercy of temp change for rn from outside lung room, trying to focus on humidity.

This it what I have since it’s just a 2x2, when I put them in the 3 gallons I’ll figure out something for dehumidifying. Ballin on a budget :moneybag:

I can’t tell if that’s an ultrasonic or not, but the cheaper ones usually are. If you’re using unfiltered tap water, any minerals in the water will be misted into the air along with the water droplets and end up dusting your leaves. I think it’s just aesthetic, though, assuming you don’t have any heavy metals in your tap water. If you do, you’ve got bigger problems. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah might just take it out soon and see what happens, it is wrecking the plants with the mist right near canopy level haha

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