Something on the leafs

Just curious on thoughts of what this could be. It has appeared on several plants. I don’t spray my plants and i don’t water them from up-top the pot (octopots is what i am using). Could it be condensation of some sorts dripping off my lights when the humidity gets too high maybe? It is a grayish color just like the lights.


The picture is blurry, but I got questions. Does it change at all over time? How long ago did it show up? Can you rub it off the leaf with a finger? Or is it part of the leaf?

Is humidity that high in your tent that dripping from the light is even possible ?


sorry double post : )

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I can rub it off with my finger no problem.

61% avg. A little more than i want it but i am in a garage. I don’t think so and i don’t see other signs of any type of humidity issues. The only other caveat is i do use a dehumidifier that is powered based and sits on the ac unit. Probably doesn’t do squat something i was trying out to cut down on the humidity a little out.

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Looks like powdery mildew to me


I thought this was a thread about my lousy Toronto Maple Leafs…

My bad.


Nope that’s a different mildew altogether…. @Yetigrows


i gotta get the humidity down that is the problem i think if that is powder mildew

Do you have a fan circulating the air on the plants? Get rid of the affected leaves. And keep a fan on them also. A fungicide spray will also help from the new spores spreading.

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Thanks for the laugh.

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Just installed a fan above the plants today. Was thinking the same. Thank you!

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Do you have a recommendation for fungicide spray?

Defoliate anything showing PM then have at it with wettable sulphur. FIRST get your environment under control. PM spreads like wildfire…attack immediately


You can use Safers but Cannasaurusrex is correct sulphur will do the best job…….

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Was thinking the same thing


Problem is you are in bloom already, so it’s not a good time to spray sulfur. Two sprays and it’s dead meat gone forever 1tablespoon of 90%+ sulfur mixed in a liter of water spray it twice 2 weeks apart. If you could get a closer image of the colony it would help to positively identify it, but if you can wipe it off with your finger it’s definitely not part of the plant. Powdery mildew takes approximately 40 days to be visible to the human eye, so the plants were infested long ago. If that’s what it is.


Sprayed it down with sulfur solution this this am.


Is that before or after you sprayed it? I mean the top leaf is definitely before, but what about the second one?