Who has thinning hair or early stages of baldness?

you can get the Kirkland version. $30 for 6 months. i’ve being using it to grow a beard and it’s coming along just fine. the first 3 months starting out gonna be depressing. you will lose some old hair before you grow/gain some new hair. :rofl: :rofl:

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If that’s all you have to worry about , your laughing

Just kidding , havin fun lol

Great film tho , top ten for sure

: )

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Well my hair started thinning about 15 years ago, their are a few causes mostly diet related. It’s growing back now I am intermitant and long fasting and on a keto diet. I also take Iodine as I don’t eat fish, which keeps my thyroid happy keeping my hormones balanced.

This is the usual problem, low testosterone or out of balance with estrogen due to diet and lack of exercise.
Lack of trace minerals as well as vits and major minerals.
Hi carb diet causing B vit deficiency.
Lack of blood flow to the follicles.
Inherited genetics.

See a naturopath they will tell you what your deficiencies are in vits and mins, hormone balance.


It does not enter your bloodstream.

Kirkland brand used to be good, but a few years back they shipped production overseas…after that, it wasn’t the same. In my experience, original minoxidil or Walmarts equate brand works best.


Do you have before and after pics :thinking:

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I has been dealing with thinning hair and the early stages of baldness. It can be quite disheartening, but I’ve been researching and trying different solutions to tackle this issue.But it is just genes


Don’t worry about it,it’s just hair loss,anyone who judges you over it is superficial and isn’t worth your time plus it’s not life threatening.


Here ya go shadey…


I agree completely @buzz

I have a widows peak and everywhere else is thick as ever except the very front little peak part that is on my forehead so it doesn’t look terrible enough to shave the whole thing, but you can tell I’m probably gonna lose it, so I keep it shorter than ever these days.

It seems that the longer it is, the weight of my hair pulls itself away from my thinner spot exposing it more.

So I keep it between like a number 2-3 at my barber but maybe let it get twice as long as that then I’ll trim it down again.

I had longer hair nearly shoulder length for many years since my teen years, but it’s much more to keep up with washing and drying, etc,

so once it gets just a bit thinner I’ll probably just shave it off like my dad had to, and throw a warm beanie on my head to compensate for lack of hair if I need it.

We can’t stop the inevitable, and it seems my genetics have more men who lose their hair then keep it, but we’ll see what happens with me.

My grandfathers on both sides weren’t bald when they passed, so maybe I have some hope even though my father is totally bald now.

Just my experience and thoughts…

Peace everyone and have a great day!


Well if you get the classic horseshoe pattern ,consider it lucky

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I talking about guys who wear hats everyday, 7 days a week…

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Professional baseball players. All day, every day @PhilCuisine

Get to my age and ya don’t care anymore.
I spend like 1.25 cents a year on
I save 20 buck a cut cause I buzz it myself.
I was in my 30s when the grim balder
Showed up, by then it’s like who cares.
That’s me, I see men with rugs on their heads, older than me guys
And am like wtf
That dark black hair don’t stand out on that 65 year old head.
It’s not what other folks think. It’s what you think.
Best thing I ever got done was getting a friend to quit chasing his hat.
Shit, if the wind blew that cap off he would scurry looking for it
Down right panicked
That 2 tone bald head shining
I was Bru, you look like bozo the clown like that.
Get some fooking sun on that head
And he did, he ditched the cope hat
And became comfortable in his skin
As my aunt says.


I started getting the head board halo, in my late 30’s to early 40’s.
I did not give a crap one way or the other about it.
Now I’m 67, and guess what, I still do not give crap!
The Clash said it best about hair, *Should I stay, or should I go.

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Fuck it! Pulled the trigger on a couple boxes.
*It’s really only meant for the crown portion of your head and NOT for frontal baldness. I have both, so I’d love to see what this product will do over the next 6 months. For just under $50 for 6months why the hell not


A bit but I researched two hormones i used on our girls with no harm for the f of it on biological…blabla here it is:
Havent made it yet not sure how to keep it soapy n safe?

They sell the mix on amazon too i recall.


Saw Palmetto which is used for enlarge prostate, but its also usefull against baldness in early stage.Try to get 45% standardized caps.


Been using generic monoxidil for 10 weeks and I feel like there’s already some filling-in! Not bad :thinking:


Baldness is like a spider mite infestation, you may not want it to happen, you may not like it’s impact but once it starts it’s almost impossible to stop.

The only way to deal with it is to chop it otherwise you look ridiculous. You might be able to convince yourself it looks alright but you ain’t convincing anyone else.

As a proud bald headed man I say spark one up and embrace your masculinity, forsake the snake oils.

I am completely BALD and I LOVE it. It is clean and easy to manage. Plus I dont have to waste money on haircuts. The ironic thing is that I used to have very long hair. It came about half way down my back. I could never stand that now. IM FREE !!! :wink:

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