Hypertension, high blood pressure..How do you deal with it?

I did a search but couldn’t really find a thread on it…I Googled it and it says nearly half the population of US have it…

Nearly half of adults in the United States (47%, or 116 million ) have hypertension, defined as a systolic blood pressure greater than 130 mmHg or a diastolic blood pressure greater than 80 mmHg or are taking medication for hypertension.

How many members on Overgrow have it and how do you deal with it?


I have it. Became a vegan and smoke cannabis. Been off the blood pressure meds since. That was over 4 years ago.


Just starting to go there myself, first time in my life. Been thinking about this for a week or so tbch. Appreciate that you started this @PhilCuisine ill be tagging along 100%


Never had high blood/hypertension before in my life but when I went in for a colonoscopy they said my blood pressure was high…so now I’m taking lisinopril changed my diet and at the moment not boozing/smoking because I always give it up for Lent…went to my doctors on St. Pat’s day and she said it was lower but not low enough so now she has me on amlodipine…
today is the first time that I’m taking both pills so I find out later on this week if it has gone down…good news is my colonoscopy is great and doctor said see you in 10 years…
I also had blood work done and I’m not diabetic and my kidneys/liver are fine/normal,oh yeah no STD’s…My triglycerides were slightly high but I can deal with that without meds, I just have to watch what I eat and cut down on my beers…


Take care of yourself my friend. I will admit I’m horrible at that, cuz I care about everyone but me, I’m hoping this changes as I’m not getting any younger and need to start taking better care 1000%


That’s what I’m doing and you do the same…I determined to get off these meds…but it’s not easy because ever since I found out I’m stressed out and my anxiety level is high everytime I check my blood pressure…Hey Top, do you drink? One thing I noticed is that when I drink my blood pressure is below normal…you’re state of mind affects your blood pressure…


I have white coat syndrome. My resting blood pressure is acceptable but when I get it tested in a clinical setting it’s way higher because I find it to be a high stress situation.

Cutting out beer is an excellent idea. I don’t know all your details but if you drink regularly and then quit you’ll probably lose some flab which is a double win in the blood pressure department.


Do you mind me asking what it is?


130/80. On the higher end of acceptable.

We had a blood pressure party because my MIL had a procedure which is how I know this.


I had that with one doc. They even sent me to another doc to look into it and made me think my blood pressure monitor at home was broken. It only happened with that one person, they really stressed me out and they pumped up that damn thing three times before taking the values. I still feel bodily discomfort thinking about it now. My blood pressure was fine when the other doc took it. :roll_eyes:


Last time I got it checked was at the dentist. They said “your BP is kinda high.” I had to resist saying “it’s because I hate you.”


Hey I’m a heart patient and currently on the heart transplant list. I’ve lived my whole life since 79 having doctors tell me I will die sooner rather than later. My body has always been my best judge of whats going on. Stopping beer was the hardest, but that has made a big impact to my health. I also really watch my sodium intake. I’ve been on lisinopril for 8yrs or so twice a day. The biggest help is cannabis! Keeping busy is a must to. Stop watching the news/social media and your blood pressure will go down. Someone will always have it worse so that’s a positive. The meaning of life is to live it so don’t be scared about death we will all have our chance. Let’s just hope its much later. :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:


I am a usual high blood pressure every time the doctor check it out, but within normal.
Last time I took a break on joints for a week and when I got the first smoke I felt something different, so I checkd and blood pressure out of the charts.
Maybe my hipertension is from smoking, maybe not, we don’t all react the same way so…happy joints!


Here’s mine with meds and anxiety…doc said still not good enough that’s why she prescribed the Amlodipine


I’m not sure about how the drugs work but according to the charts I’ve seen and my SIL who is a nurse I’d say your numbers are quite good. I’m not a doctor though.


These home blood pressure units are not the best. Even whenever I go to the hospital for checkups they recheck on every different floor due to the difference in each machine. And a lot of times I can’t even get this thing to read correctly. So who knows what it really is.


Rarely, but I believe it’s true from experience. I just wish there was something to take and just keep me level ALL DAY and NIGHT, I mean thank God for weed it’s my godsend 100% my angel but without drinking and lorazepam, cipralex etc. what else? Ps sorry for the distance between replies. Having a shite day over here. Apologies


That’s what I’m saying…it’s good enough for me…next time I see her I’m just gonna tell her that’s it, no more other meds and I will drink twice a week & smoke my dope when Lent is over…it’s my only outlet.


Retiring helped my BP… :+1: :sweat_smile:

Cutting salt was the big one for me, that really helped.
The diet part was already done (other than the salt) as well as exercise, that’s a big one as well.
Of course, I’m still on what I refer to as my “Geriatric trail mix” :rofl:



One simple thing that can help a lot is beginning a breathwork practice.
Most people have patterned a really shallow breathing pattern, which lowers O2 saturation in the bloodstream, so in order to circulate enough oxygen into the system, blood pressure increases.
Learning to breathe in a supportive way naturally lowers blood pressure.
I share some practices with my therapeutic massage therapy clients; if you’d like some ideas, I’m happy to offer them to you