Who likes History?

right conclusion, wrong reason. the date was set due to the tradition at the time of taking the date of death and subtracting 9 months to attribute the birthday. dan mcclean has a cool video on it on tik tok.

edit: TikTok - Make Your Day

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My buddy and I used to debate about whether Alexander the Great or Genghis Khan had the largest land empire. Of course it’s Genghis, but my friend was stubborn and wouldn’t admit it​:grin:. Alexander had the largest empire captured on FOOT. Genghis had the horses, and a bigger empire. Peter Khent ( going off a 30 year memory…it was a library book) wrote a great book about the Mongols. I got a tattoo of one of the books’ photos of a Mongolian archer, made in China in the 1400’s. Great read. :+1:
I HIGHLY recommend a local book about the French and Indian War called Bloody Mohawk. I read that book so much it fell apart on me. Twice. I’m on my 3rd copy.
Jawbreaker is a great book about the early days of the war in Afghanistan. It might be out of print due to sensitive information…

Did you look yet? I’m curious…


So much history is literally buried. We are living at a crazy time in history. So much that has been lost is now being found. Maybe someday humanity will have a better understanding of our history. Most things we learned in school were “true” for a few years lol. New info is changing history quickly now.


haven’t had a chance to go through them. glad i looked though, spotted a water leak in the shed from a missing shingle and fixed it before everything got ruined.


Aquilonian History is fun for the whole family!

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


Some evidence suggests old Norse pagan religious practices included sacrificing and eating horse meat. This led to the ban of it by Pope Gregory III in 732. If this was not the case, we may still eat horse today as it is widely eaten elsewhere.

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Ok so I do like this channel.
Not trying to get into political shit though it matters
A ton.
Kids, folks in general are just ignorant .

The USA, here they love the term
Private/Government parnterships etc

Most Americans are to ignorant to know that’s
Exactly what Fascism is.

The definitions have been flipped on purpose
What’s the difference between Fascism
National Socialism (Canada)
Well Tik covers it.
Europe lived this shit and Poof
Right back Into it.
Imo it never went away, just morphed.

Tik is having to combat the deliberate rewrite
Of history coming from all agendas.

So what’s the difference between Mussoili
Hitler, Stalin, Chairman M, Justin T
And Brandon?

Watch this.
Please do not comment unless you have.

Sulla spalletta del ponte
Le teste degli impiccati
Nell’acqua della fonte
La bava degli impiccati.

Sul lastrico del mercato
Le unghie dei fucilati
Sull’erba secca del prato
I denti dei fucilati.

Mordere l’aria mordere i sassi
La nostra carne non è più d’uomini
Mordere l’aria mordere i sassi
Il nostro cuore non è più d’uomini.

Ma noi s’è letto negli occhi dei morti
E sulla terra faremo libertĂ 
Ma l’hanno stretta i pugni dei morti
La giustizia che si farĂ .

-Franco Fortini

Socialism = bad word but only to Americans.


Do you know why?

A fundamental misunderstanding of what it is.


Or maybe, just maybe, a fundamental disagreement about whether it’s good or bad? Are you really going to try to make this another thread about how anyone who doesn’t agree with a certain party’s policies is necessarily stupid or evil, rather than just having differing opinions on the best way to handle problems that can’t be solved?


Excellent answer. Perhaps, only a part of why we hate the idea, or word. Personally, I understand socialism.


I’ll just quote the free market hero Adam smith and leave it at that:

Enlightened self-interest refers to the concept that regard for one’s own good prompts a person to assist in promoting the good of others.

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You could have just said yes rather than treating me like I’m stupid or evil for bringing up the idea that people might disagree. :roll_eyes: Keep going, we can get the whole thread shut down!

I believe the quote sums it up better than I could.

Your salty nature notwithstanding.


Adam Smith is not the be-all and end-all of free market philosophy, any more than Stalin or Hitler is the be-all and end-all of socialism. Quit it with the strawman arguments. I get it, you’re annoyed that someone is daring to disagree with you. Too bad. Get used to it, that’s reality.


Again your salty nature. I wasn’t even talking to you.

Now go try to lower your blood pressure and have a good day

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You were talking to all Americans, because you were making a sarcastic generalization about us. What the hell were you expecting other than conflict?