Who plays video games?

Thank you for the info! That’s better news than I was expecting, I might shop around for some Vidya cards.

Would mining doge be feasible on that kind of a setup given a better gpu? (Total newb to mining but I do have the full client up to date)

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I haven’t mined in in while because most coins it didn’t make sense to GPU mine anymore (power cost exceeds short-term profit potential). And forget about CPU mining completely. I don’t know about Doge specifically. There are websites that can help inform you on that much better than I can. One thing to know is that different coins use different algorithms, and you need to choose your GPU (AMD vs. Nvidia) accordingly. I mined Monero for quite a long time and AMD was MUCH better for mining Monero at that time. Some coins, its the opposite. Overall, I think it is very difficult to mine profitably these days without ASICs - but I have been out of the scene for at least 18 months.


Recently I’ve been re-playing Half-Life for some nostalgia and also just because it is such a great game. Then I noticed Black Mesa on Steam and read some reviews. Well it didn’t take me long to buy it (great value!) and I have to say it is absolutely fantastic. I get all the nostalgia and excellent gameplay but with much more modern graphics/lighting/etc.

HIGHLY recommended!


Half life was awesome. I loved the rocket crowbar mod that was out there! Good times!


I found a original file copy of Omikron the nomad soul. I’ve been playing the hell out of that.

I’ve been playing Fallout 4, almost every day, since release…
I love DOOM 2016 but I can’t play it like my kid (he is freaking awesome)
Occasional forays back to New Vegas & FO3 (too fun!) and of course Skyrim…
Summers at the cottage are N64 time, Duke Nukem (…all out of bubblegum) and Tetrisphere.

Weed and games just go together - like PB and and bacon (try it, you’ll like it!)

Of late, I incorporate games in with smoke tests. I find subtle effects are more pronounced when playing.
You know it’s good weed when you get lost :laughing: :rofl:
or when you catch yourself admiring the lightning strikes in the rad storm for 10 min.



Some friends hooked me up with an old laptop a few weeks back so first thing I did was get a new copy of postal 2…life is good


BP and bacon, what’s BP? I racked my brain :rofl:

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Hah, I blew that, should have been PB for peanut butter. :rofl: :vulcan_salute:



Well, I feel better at least. :rofl:


They would put me in Destiny & Diablo 3 AA guaranteed. Started on original nintendo and have owned everything besides a ps4. I love them all!

When I say AA, I mean outside of those creating content, I’m one of those people who have an absurd amount of time in both games. I’m actually sitting in what’s called “orbit” in Destiny 2 as I type this lol.


New (lol) COD plays well, I still suck but its fun. Hate having 7 yr olds with their mics taunt me though. Some of the user names are hilarious and make good cannabis strain name possibilities.




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Huge sale on Steam, folks. Get 'em while you can. I just bought “Singularity” and “Rise of the Tomb Raider” for both my daughter and I. Cheap!


I need some stoner vr pc gamers!
Phasmophobia, anything pc really.

Console or pc?

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Console but all are cross plat compatible

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I know that why I was asking lol. Love ark, don’t usually play online though as most of the groups I’ve been in have been like the on all day grinding type and unfortunately I couldn’t keep up

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Yea ark is a big grinding game, I love the game but if it wasn’t for my in-game friends I probably wouldn’t be able to play and enjoy it, they do almost all the hard grinding and I usually hop on for raids or breeding.

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I started off with simulator games in the 90’s. I used to have some sweet serial port joysticks with throttles and hat switches and all kinds of little gizmos. I played a lot of combat flight simulator, and some driving / racing games.

I mostly play older games from the 90’s and early 2000’s. Strategy games, shooters, etc.

Got a nice computer about 5 years ago, but couldn’t afford any newer games after buying it.

I just picked up 3 star wars games for 30 bucks, fallen order form 2019, battlefront 2 from 2017, and battlefront from 2015. Pretty good deal. Should keep me entertained for a while.

I set up fallen order and played about 3 hours so far. It’s running well with all graphics settings at “epic” except for view distance, set to medium. I set it up for a maximum of 30 frames per second to compensate for a slow rpm high capacity hard disk. I kind of like it at a conventional video frame rate anyway.

I’m disabled, so I really appreciated some uncommon but very welcome accessibility features.
There are options to “disable camera shake,” “turn off button mashing,” and “turn off repetitive actions.” I’m using all of these. They also have a mode with minimal combat for people who just want to play through the story, but fortunately with the other accessibility features I haven’t needed to use that.