Who's Your Daddy? Wookie 15 and his progeny!

So im gonna keep it short and simple. This thread is for Wookie 15 crosses. Im currentlt holding a keeper cut of Space Monkey and plan to pop more in the future. I just germed some Soul Mate and they are in cups waiting for then to emerge from the dirt. And, I still have a few different packs to go through of Wookie 15 crosses and plan to aquire more. Anybody growing or has grown Wookie 15 crosses feel free to participate. Please do not fill the thread with pictures of non Wookie 15 crosses. Playful banter and discussion is welcomed. I would just like the visual content to stay on topic.


Keeping my space monkey too!

Looking forward to the show hope all goes smoothly.

I had popped some Soulmates and let them get decent size before having to toss everything a few rounds back and the smells coming off their stems were just funky fresh fruity amazing smelling plants.



@dudfinklesteine feel free to share your Space Monkey in this thread if you want. And I know @schmarmpit has some Phone Home going as well i would love to see. No pressure though. :wink:


Oh I’m going to be all up in this thread! But my Phone Home are just sprouts right now. Here’s what @nube recently wrote about the Wookie dad and I’d have to agree on all points.

I’ve grown these Wookie crosses so far:
Black Raspberry (Goji OG Raspberry x Wookie)
Space Monkey (GG4 x Wookie)
Endor Score (Apollo 11g x Wookie)
Midnight Cowboy (Mendo Purps x Wookie)

The Black Raspberry was one of my first Bodhi strains and almost my last lol. Yield was sooo awful. But damn it was tasty. It made the most amazing resin. But I’m afraid to run the remaining half pack. Then I ran Space Monkey and was blown away. It’s definitely my favorite Wookie cross I’ve grown to date. It really adds great structure and much better smells to GG4. I’m hoping these Phone Homes can compete.

Next seed round I’ll be popping Lemon G x Wookie and have high hopes for that as well. I’ve got a total soft spot for Lemon G.


I have some space nectar (sc blue dream x wookie) going at the moment. I’ve run the lucky wookies V2 and bodhis terpenado aswell.

I’ve found yield to be really shit with the wookies crosses but smoke and terps have always interesred me greatly. The LW has some cool cereal funk terps to it and the terpenado ranges from bright strawberry to rotten strawberry to strawberry n cream depending on conditions and when you pull it.

I have also found that the wookie dad can pass on some real sativa type anxiety effects (not for me personally, but my partner felt it with both the terp and LW). Would love to hear someone’s experiences w that.


Im seriously thinking about grabbing a pack of Wonder Wookie and a pack of Master Of Muppets even though i told myself i would show some self control this year. Goal is to lessen my seed stash not grow it. Lol. That Snuggle Funk has my attention too.


Is Wookie #15 the only Wookie male that Bodhi uses? I have seen some packs that specifically say Wookie #15 and I have seen some that just say Wookie as the poppa.


I think he had a female wookie #7 he worked with. I think the Wookie Orgasm was one of the crosses he made with the wookie mom. As far as males ive only heard of the #15.


This has been posted about the Wookie plants used by Bodhi in other forums. Pretty sure it bears inclusion here too.

wookie 7 (grapefruit lavender) f
wookie 4 (berry lavender) f

wookie 15 (male version of 7)
wookie 11 (male version of 4)

wookie 25 (super potent)
wookie 41 (big fusion)
wookie 5 (in review)
wookie 8 (in review)


Hahah I have those exact ones in my cart at GLG. Every other day I go there and threaten to checkout, but then I tell myself the exact same thing. Too many seeds as is. Got to let the FOMO fade away. Plus now it’s getting closer to spring and I can focus my seed buying on veggies and flowers, MUCH cheaper than cannabis seeds!


We could split the order? Although im scared of thr usps right now. They lost a package being sent to me and a package i sent to someone.


What’s in the soul mate?

I’ve got lemon wookie v2 or something I got as a freeby that I could look at popping (if thats a W15) and u just started 2 space monkeys. I can check the lemon wookie when I get home for who the dad was.


Last summer chem d/pu/wookie,


Gogi og pinesoul pheno x wookie 15


Pretty sure thats a wookie 15 dad cross.
Edit: its listed as lemon g x wookie 15.


Whoo! Just looked at my GLG receipt to see what I got. You are correct sir


Pop dem bitches! Lol


I’m easily pursuaded…probably in 2 weeks or so.


Yes I will most definitely be following this one very close as I just started flowering 2 space monkey. I have really high hopes for it as I have been able to sample some and all 4 phenos where great but there were 2 absolute keepers imo. I have no experience with any other wookie dad cross but have read alot over the same that was posted above in regards to low yield and great terps. But that being said I would still love to try them all if I could.


Also ran gmo/wookie 15 last summer but cant find pics. Probably run more this year of both wookie 15 crosses…last year was kinda bummer I’ll be prepared this time.