Why are the Seedlings Burning Up? (1st Indoor in many yrs)

Oh I thought you meant you were spraying the plants themselves. Are they just in the root riot cubes, or are the cubes in dirt too?

If just cubes you can dip the bottom half of the cube in water for a few seconds. It will wick up and soak the whole cube. If soil water until a bit of runoff comes out the bottom of the pot.

Either way they likely don’t need to be watered so often. Get the medium wet and leave it until it’s almost totally dry, it will generally be a couple/few days between waterings.

Weed doesn’t like being soaked all the time, it wants some oxygen at the roots that’s why most weed mediums are well draining and more on the ‘airy’ side.

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They are just cubes in a prob dome…You mean dig each cube out for every water? It would hold more water and you might get by with only watering once 24 hrs. When I water them the cubes are dry, not cold or wet to touch and top is crust. They usually show that they need water about twice a day. I only give each cube 2, 3 max squirts so they are not taking much water on at all.

You could always just pour water on each and it would hold water for longer. But there is a greater chance of over watering that way. Esp since I haven’t done this before. For someone who is familiar with the cubes might have a easier time judging…I was just trying to play it safe and thought a few squirts of water whist in seedling stage would be ok.?.

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Just my two cents there, do what works for you!

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Does your three-leafed seedling look something like this?


Its hard to say, they are about 2 inches tall so leaves are still very small. Since this photo has been under 24 hrs of light when I flip it is there a good chance it will herm?

Is that how you water yer cubes by taking each one out of the tray for each watering? Just curious is all, I’m not sure how else to water these little guys/grrrls. I could always pour water on the cubes just didn’t want to over water them is all.

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Why is this a mistake?


When I used to use cubes I just had them freestanding on a tray and would pick them up and dunk them individually. I never had more than maybe 10 or so at a time.

It’s one of those trays with cells? If there are holes in the bottom you could set the whole thing into another tray full of water and wait a few seconds for them all to saturate.

Generally the idea is to wet fully, then wait until almost completely dry again. If you’re saturating them completely and they’re drying out several times a day then it’s time for some larger containers!

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The three-leafed plant in the pic is a whorled phyllotaxy El Monstre.
It grew three leaves at each node until well into maturity, then converted back to two opposite staggered leaves a couple of weeks before flowering.

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Yeah I was rushing things and didn’t want to run anything decent while getting everything dialed in. Really didn’t want a mix on first run but out of the two photos the cheese is almost dead. My fault for not getting hull off soon enough so it never dev 1st real leaves. The other is crappy mids bag s and just ran it for testing things out, but forgot it was a photo. It’s got 3 Cot and 3 real leaves, growing well though.

Beacher The cubes are in a sectioned tray…But yeah being able to just dip the whole tray seems like it would be better than pouring water. I thought you meant digging each one out for every water…I watered about 12-14 hrs ago (2-3 pumps) with spray bottle and they are dry and crust on top. The tray has holes, it’s just not easy to dip the tray at the moment, still in the middle of setting up. Hoping spraying water on cube (not plant, if I can help it) a couple times a day will be ok. Other than that I would have to pour water on them. Which I can just didn’t want to overwater…

Desert It’s actually growing very well…I guess the 3rd leave supercharged it. To bad the genetics are crap but good for test run. I did start a secound run of 6 Autos, only 5 popped its been 4 days. Starting another to replace it, just in case. These are in a prob dome with Riot Cubes only, no soil or nutes. The 5 look good so far about to hit the dome. Adding a few more CFL’s and small 120 fan today. Not messing with LED till Veg, when they are in the Tent…Actually don’t have a choose, only lights I have are LED.