Sick seedling? Crap

Here’s all I’ve been doing to the plant:

  1. I’ve been watering it as the pot gets lighter, and recently the only feeding I’ve given it, is a little water with cow manure mixed but I didn’t even use a full cup of it. Only used 1 time.
  2. The past few days have been cloudy. This is the first few day it’s been sunny in about 3 days.
    3.) My mother, being the angel she is, watered the plant like she does her tomatoes and onions before the rain and clouds formed 3 days ago.

The plant’s stem is still green, and I can smell some scents off the baby leaf when I rub the stem.


Leave it alone… let it grow… it needs nothing.


Ok thank you, will definitely do!


It’s very common to worry at this stage for new growers especially. Don’t sweat it give em a couple weeks to get going. Don’t over water. Don’t feed it at all.


Just curious, did ya start her in the sun or.move it outside?

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Yep, started her in the sun.

this baby isn’t looking good, I’m gonna water her since its been a few days but her leaves feel crispy. I have 2 other seeds that are ready to be planted, and I’m gonna downsize pots to see how that works next time. I’m trying to upload a pic but its not working.Uploading: 20210520_133618.jpg…

Bring them inside and put them on a window seal or under a CFL. Don’t go doing stem rubs, adding manure or anything like that. All they need is light waterings preferably with a spray bottle hitting just the top soil not the seedling. And most importantly LITFA

Good call mate :call_me_hand:t4:


Ok I’m going to put it by a window sill since I don’t have CFL, just a white 1000w LED

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Well I mean hey, if I dont have a lot of light near my windows could I use my LED in my grow tent?

Im not trying to go against what you’re advising but I mean if ample sunlight at a windowsill isn’t available, can i put it under LED?

Manure is too hot. Are those in the ground? What kind of soil is that? Back off on the fert, the soil has everything they need right now. Most of all stop fussing with them… Lifta

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New to outdoor growing? Follow along on my grow this year. It may help you. Search for Growing Trees with Meesh 2021


No just pots, FoxFarms Ocean, and ok. Yes very new to everything lol I’m a babe in the woods.

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Can I bring this plant under LEDS if a windowsill isn’t viable? I mean light shines in but will it be enough?

Soil has enough nutrients on it’s own for like 4 weeks. Step away from the fertilizer


Why such big pots already? You want big plants, you need to root build.

Also fox farms is notoriously hot soil especially for seedlings. Let them adapt.


I think you just burned the shit outta the secind one with the transplant and hot soil


I was thinking bigger pots- bigger yields. Yeah that’s exactly what I think happened. I just put 2 more seeds in smaller containers with Peat and Vermiculite instead. I put this plant in my grow tent with my LED because my windows don’t have a lot of direct sunlight through them. Is this gonna be ok?

Yes, but you have to graduate them to larger pots to build the roots first before final pot. Why a window? What’s wrong with outside?

My outdoor plants right now on 2nd transplants. Zero nutes given at this point. Only some kelp for transplant shock

Outdoor growing much different then indoor. Don’t use indoor advice for outdoor plants