Why do the mods merge posts with completely unrelated subjects?

Before merging random threads ask if they were meant to be together lol that and take a big bong rip for each of us. I’m about to take one for me and you lol

Here’s is a portion of what we ask you and OG community members to consider when posting new threads.

A thread of

“Well looks like I may have a problem - Identified mites”
and then another new thread of
“Well they weren’t thrips”

are regarding the exact same topic. These are related for the same topic and same grow.

And perhaps,

“Odd leaf wrinkling after transplant”
“Large ph swing help”
“Ph and tds rising?”

These could be all within the same thread as they are also specific and seemingly related. Even better, both examples could be part of a grow journal. In such instances, there is little need to “ask” for permission to merge these.

The merging has to do with keeping related information on the same topic consolidated. Otherwise, it is very difficult to follow, track the resolution for a problem, and glean useful past information.

This is a task we ask each individual community member to consider when starting a new thread and topic. It helps the moderation and the OG community over the long-run. Please understand, the moderators are not picking on you or trying to insult or offend individual contributors. They, the moderators, are working to keep information sharing relevant to the topic and to limit the amount of repetition.

Here is another example, some users join and follow-up by posting many new threads on topics that already exists. Hypothetically, “how do I germinate old seeds.” It is usually suggested that questions such as these are first posted to existing threads on the very same topic. The information may already be there to help and, over the long run, it helps others since they can reference the body of knowledge and experiences from one or perhaps a couple of threads on the topic. As a result, the moderators will occasionally merge such new threads.

Or as another example, if there is valuable information that a thread contains, that may be a bit off-topic, and is deserving of a new topic; a moderator may split that thread. It’s not perfect, some context may be lost, but we try to do our best.

As noted earlier, we are not perfect. There are few here that can claim such status. Bantering and name calling is not going to be useful. Please understand that we try our best to be friendly, open, and helpful but the moderators may not always agree. If there is something someone feels strongly about, please PM a moderator, have an honest discussion on the issue that you are experiencing, and we will try to explain the rationale or possibly correct any issues. Please allow the moderators some deference on some of these choices being made.


Never seen this amount of drama over blending 29 topics into one. It isn’t just mods who dislike 5-6 threads when it could of been resolved in one bigger question. Why because it makes our friendly chat board look spammed and untidy. New users look at it and go what the fuck. That’s the whole reason I stopped at OG because it’s not a fuckfest of jumbled information.

Anyway my rant is over next time just consider not hitting the board with multiple topics @Daytripr69 we’ve got the “let’s chat” chat room thread general questions can go there and you’ll get plenty of feedback. There are also multiple threads about PH, multiple about deficiencies so just use the search bar. :+1:t2:


Agreed not sure why this is being debated so much it’s rather annoying IMO it should of been a personal growth thread and done with.


Why does my ph drift from 5.6 to 6.1 every 4 days?


I feel this topic about staying on topic has gotten off topic.

Room quietly calms :joy::v:


Mr MoJo Rising? :confused:

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