Let's talk sock

Hey there OG, so I thought it might be cool to talk about something that affects us all, sock accounts. What is a sock account some might ask? Well a sock account is what we call an account made by someone for the purpose of skirting the rules, deceiving people, causing discord, trolling and in some cases stealing from people.

In this day and age where folks can have multiple email addresses it is a very common practice for folks to open these accounts. While admins on a site have a variety of tools to weed out these accounts it is much more difficult with VPN’s so widely used. Now some folks create these accounts so they can come and troll members or start fights. Their main goal seems to be making others unhappy. Now it takes a pretty pathetic individual to go so far out of their way with a goal of making others unhappy but yeah, those people exist. We have likely all seen members get banned from a site for their behavior only to pop back up under a different screen name. There are also those who do things like create multiple accounts for the purpose of personal gain. For example let’s say there is a seed run going on or a large giveaway that does not require any kind of member level. These folks may try to create multiple accounts so they can take multiple kicks at the can and get more they they are supposed to thereby taking the spots of legitimate members away. Another example would be those who in our case see free seeds being offered to folks. These people will create multiple accounts just to take advantage of members generosity and by lying basically steal said offerings from other users by pretending to be multiple people.

Now the fact is that the MODs here do a great job of keeping on top of this and weed out the scammers so we are very lucky, the same can’t be said for all sites. One issue is it can be a rock and a hard place situation where they can’t get rid of a person right away due to needing concrete proof of them being deceitful. Wanting to be fair to users and not judge them to quickly is important and honorable but also has the effect of sometimes leaving sock accounts in place while they try to gather the proof the justify banning them. During that time these people can get away with scamming folks with their dishonesty and taking advantage of people. There is no good way around it really.

As long as generosity exists there will be those folks lacking morals and taking advantage of others. Its unfortunate but seems to be a fact of life. People really should be a little guarded regarding those they don’t know at least till they figure out who they are dealing with. Just a few thoughts on a pet peeve of mine. If you run across these folks do not call them out, it only creates drama. Instead convey your concerns to a moderator and let them deal with it. Public displays calling out others, while they can be satisfying in some ways, create uneasy feelings in the forum which is the opposite of what most of us want.

Ok rant over, have an amazing day OG and stay safe :v:


Good advice for all of life.

I don’t even wear socks on my feet. Can’t imagine why someone would want 10 of them unless it’s to champion the cause of boron.

They are usually pretty obvious.


I agree, many I have seen are really lacking inelegance. Not all but many.


For a short minute there I thought you were going to explain the dryer mystery and my missing socks…

And of course @Foreigner beat me to the joke :+1: :smile:



Here you go brother :wink:



LOL, Of course!! Narnia!!
:vulcan_salute: :rofl:



I gotta add… Once found to be a legitimate sock account, that its smart to ban ALL associated accounts, including the main account. More as a deterrant for someone with history who doesn’t wanna lose it, from creating a sock account.

I despise sock accounts on so many levels… Just dishonest from the start… Let there be consequences for creating one…


I agree 100%. I hate the dishonestly of it all but there is sadly not much that can be done other than ban the user. The sad part is these same pieces of human garbage just keep trying to get back in under another name. It’s a shame we didn’t have software that could fry their computer/phone with a few keystrokes. I mean it would be wrong to do but still funny as heck.


IP bans were nice back in the day… VPN’s have killed that functionality. No “accountability” factor anymore…


I don’t like those socks that have fingers on them, like gloves. Blasphemy.


they do look a little creepy. Even the mitten like ones with just the big toe…


Who TF has time enough to do this BS!!! I cant keep up with one account…


@Oldtimerunderground come back to the room , I online.


Cracks me up everytime


Yeah, simpler times for sure.

:rofl: Agreed

Losers and thieves sadly

Classic example of a banned user, I have to admit it was so ridiculous it made me LOL


Honestly who even has the damn time to do that.

And I also assumed it was about missing socks lol
But the culprit in my house is usually the underpants gnomes branching out to new business models.


There’s more money in it than you’d think…


I put boron in my socks to keep my toenails strong :muscle:. All kidding aside, spot on @DougDawson


I add borax in my washer when I wash socks.


Good point, if there were nothing in it for them they wouldn’t bother. It’s only done when they find a gain for themselves in one form or another.


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