Will cold temps affect the seed development when breeding?

Ive been wondering if I can breed in the wintertime w/o using heaters? I can keep the temp of around 40 - 65F in the wintertime in my breeding area and I was wondering if the cold temps will affect the seed development like the cold temp affects the buds (too cold and they wont form). I figure the buds will still develop pistols and the males will still develop pollen, so it should work in theory, right? Cause realistically if I justify using a few months as breeding times and not be in a perpetual harvest, that’d be ideal…


65F seems like the lower edge IMHO… Below 50F and any growth will start to halt in my experience.

Every stress can have impact on plants. Especially when breeding I’d try to leave stress out of equation as much as possible.


Really depends on the strain but like Joe said the growth will slow down drastically, I saw somebody flower in a room that stayed around 45 degrees sometimes colder. It took 3 months to finish and yielded a bunch of bunk tasting larfy garbage.


Growing cannabis in cold temps is hard on the plant in the first place. It makes them more susceptible to acquiring mold and insects can become an issue too.

The canopy can handle much cooler temps than the roots can, but around 65°F is where plant growth slows and even lower temps will completely halt all growth.

You only want to breed healthy plants together and plants in decline of any sort are not healthy, however, it you just want to do it to see what happens, then go for it! Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


The main issue is that plants can only uptake certain nutrients at certain temperature ranges. This is one of the reasons why plants turn purple in the cold, the other is the cold breaks down chlorophyll. So you will have nutrient uptake problems.

Have you ever pulled seeds from a plant that was grown poorly? You will get a lot of light brown/white seeds that are not viable because they did not get all the nutrients to develop. Think crack baby seeds. That being said, if it is your only option…give it a try. It may work.

Couple of other options.

Heating mat. I use a heating mat in my mama tent in the winter to keep temps up. It uses like 25 watts or something.

Reptile ceramic heaters. You can get these in various wattage’s. You have to treat them as a light bulb because they get warm. I’ve used them because they do not light up but produce heat like a light bulb.


ya cold temperatures make everything shittier in my experience … rooting clones, germinating seeds, plant growth etc … so i imagine seed development would suffer as well, altho it may just slow the development so it takes longer

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I bought a couple of those when I had my mini fridge outside lol… it kept it warm in there but not enough to combat 10° C outside temps lol

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