Win x3 Crazy Roses, 2 Prizes on This Post

I find the THC desirable along with skunk and compact growing time so would love to grow them

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fast, 90% indica, over 600g per M2, upto 30% THC, AND old school Turpines! what’s not to love? I would sprout these as soon as I could and share my experience with the OG community.


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Never heard of your company. Always looking for better genetics. Lets see what you got.

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Well, 'cause I’d love to see huge buds growing in front of me!@!
@GorillaSeeds Thanks a lot!!!
:v: :partying_face: :sunglasses:

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Id like to grow these seeds because I know your beans are great. I’m growing your c99 and Durban. So good I took clones and I’m growing them again.

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I’d like to win these seeds because I’d like to try some quality, fast-flowering genetics from a breeder who I’ve yet to try.

Thank you so much for the opportunity!

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Who wouldn’t want to win these seeds? This plant sounds amazing! I’d love to win these and share the pics with the community. @Til_Valhalla @carty @blowdout2269 @adventuretime86 @mrgreenthumb @FirstCavApache64 @bobgrows @emeraldgreen @gato @hashpants @percyryan66 @Originalweedman @pigeonman @ohno555 @kgrim @illicitmango
Thanks @GorillaSeeds @blowdout2269 @FirstCavApache64


I’d like to win so I can see how’s the genetics are . Spread the word & help the company out .

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Well this is Overgrow.
So if I won. I’d find someone to reverse them, get some fem pollen, make a shit load of beans and OG the world baby! :yum:


I would love to win these seeds because it’d be my first chance to grow such amazing genetics!

Good luck everyone :pray:t3:

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Just started dabbling in photos after only growing autos for the last 13 years. I’d love to add these to a tent. Peace

Id like to try them because Ive never grown anything from growers choice.


Sounds like an interesting strain! I grew out eleven roses from delicious seeds many years ago and it was a great strain. The high was very helpful for my anxiety. Nice and relaxing indica. I wasn’t familiar with the “MAF” strain it was crossed to. But after looking it up, it’s a cross of 2 outdoor staples - mighty mite x freezeland. I grew frezeland many, many years ago but never mighty mite.

I haven’t grown out anything from grower’s choice yet but I’ve had good luck with strains from delicious. I’ve had a mother of the Delicious Cheese Candy (now called delicious candy) for at least 8-9 years now. It’s been one of my most consistent producers. Big yields and good quality smoke.

Good luck everyone!

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Thank you for the tag brother @420noob i appreciate it :pray:

Id like to win these beans because they sound pretty damn nice, especially being fast flowering. And who doesn’t love winning/receiving beans?
Thanks for the chance at these @GorillaSeeds

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don’t forget to comment on the main blog post to increase your chances of winning Crazy Roses Fast Version FREE - Gorilla Seeds News


I want a chance at the Crazy Roses( 3 seeds) I have only ever won :trophy: beans 🫘 on OG and have enter many contest from sponsors and seeds banks and have never won one :point_up:! Dammit now it’s my turn make this come true please :pray:! :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile: :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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winners accounced here at bottom Crazy Roses Fast Version FREE - Gorilla Seeds News

Competition Winners

Thank you to everyone for taking part, Congratulations to the winners who are announced below.

Winners have been announced on each platform, congratulations to those lucky few

Blog : Jonathan Weidner & David

Facebook : Matthew Cox & Patrick Sines

OverGrow : Onobigrower & way4out

Rollitup : Chapp & Sintax

IC Mag : Kree73 & mr.brunch

Autoflower : UHF & Corum59

If you are one of the lucky ones, please contact andy using the gorilla seeds website contact form, provide name and address and proof of winning profile, prizes will be sent at the end of the month.


Holy crap! Totally forgot about this one! Happy man right here.