Wise to pump waste water to overhead drain pipe?

While I applaud your efforts and concern for the environment, that level of dutifulness is impractical and/or risky for me. My wife and I do not have any house plants or anything else to properly dispose of the nutes without doing it in plain sight. The drain will have to do. I’m sure my tiny little grow’s waste water will be easily handled by the local water treatment plant. If not, we have much more to worry about than whatever my system may be putting down the drain.


In that case maybe a little home improvement would be in order…

Thanks for that post. That is basically what I was considering doing.

Back when I was less responsible with my growing endeavors in my garden I used a fertilizer called milorganite which claimed to be organic.
Milorganite is manufactured from nitrates and trace elements sourced from water treatment facilities in Wisconsin.
So what your pouring into the system is likely going to end up recycled the same way.
I stopped using it due to rumours that they were finding heavy metals in it from the jackasses that dump motor oil down the drain.
According to the company they’ve refined the processes but I decided to go all natural when i bought my little hobby ranch.