Photo-bioreactor for fertilizer runnoff

Saw this awhile back, and it gave me a thought

could something similar be used to eat the fertilizer out of runnoff before reintroducing it to the environment. I know they do something similar to grow spirulina and harvest algae for biofuel. Ain’t even like it’s a hard experiment really, just need to put a translucent container outdoors with an air pump, my runnoff and an algae culture.


Why not use the run off, to grow out green manure plants, then use them for your nitrogen needs.


It’s more about not putting the phosphorus back into the water table than anything. My roommate’s have a bunch of houseplants, and a fruit tree out and while I’m sure the fertilizer won’t hurt em i can’t speak to the Susquehanna river delta’s ecosystem

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I would recommend using a containment pool then when the algae grows thick grab the plant matter and ferment it into organic materials. Let the liquid evaporate and add some more. That way you are 100% sure nothing is penetrating into the ground water.


I should have explained my nonsense a bit more.
When I was a juice junkie, and the solution fell out the parameters for vegetative, or transition, or flower times, I could never bring myself to dump it down the drain, for your exact reasons stated, I’m in the Chesapeake Bay drainage area, as most creeks flow to it eventually.
I’ve prowled the Susquehanna River, pike/musky fishing, bass, fly fishing, hell since I was 7 years old, riding my bicycle there.
I watched Three Mile Island being built, across the river, as I fished, when I was 12 years old.
I love our waterways, so yes I totally agree with your post!!
I would grow my green manure plants in tubs and totes, from my pile of faded dreams, old usable buckets, tubs, totes, with saucers or catches, so no run off, just run to waste set ups.
In my wee mind, I’m thinking, this is what DownToEarth does, well the suppliers that fill the boxes with organic goodies. Grow it out, dry it, build your medium with it. Then with your bucket of weekly kitchen scraps, hell it could a full well rounded fertilizer, over time maybe.
I’ve run to waste so long now, I just think everyone does it. I should have explained better.


Shit, we might be neighbors lol I’m in perryville

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Oh wow, maybe 40-45 miles or so.