With the arrival of Mite Season

High temperatures, long days…They’re baaaaaaaaack!
Thought I would post this for the benefit of the community…
These are 3 commercial miticides that are packaged in affordable sizes.


You may note that the top one…TetraSan is NOT A POISON at all. It is a Insect Growth Regulator…
If you’re in flower this would effectively control your mites without any impact on developing buds/trichomes…

Anyway, do as you please. I just thought I’d put these out there so the community is aware of all options when the s**t hits the fan!

Good luck for all your summer grows out there!!


You’re great at sharing information and have no problem with discourses on said information. That alone will have me contacting you here in the next week or two to get a small order of your Bud Buster Pro product.

Keep it up, that’s why I love this community :peace_symbol:


Rest assured if there’s any information that will advance the successful cultivation of Cannabis,
I will be more than happy to post it for the forum…

My whole career was spent in large scale production ag in Norhern Cali.
I’ve had my ass kicked by mother nature along with Bacterial/fungi and mites over the years…
So I guess I have a lot of compassion for all growers…if there’s something I can post that will advance even one grower, it’s worth my efforts!
Good Luck !


Seems likely that you would know if avid would pass the state tests.
Appreciate your time


Dude I’m having the worst problems which I believe are whiteflies. I don’t have a loop right this second but my leaves are affected by these guys more so from the nymphs or whatever.

At the under part of a stem to a leaf you’ll see brownish looking rust but it scrapes off and definitely shouldn’t be there. I have a younger untopped female that has big drinking straw looking main stem. I’ve noticed the brownish looking scales as well. They scrape of when rubbed lightly.

I’m using a caustic pesticide of fish guts. The pesticide has cut their numbers down but treatments have to be spread out because itl kill the plants. I e kicked the double spotted mites a couple years back. Lol.

A couple plants aren’t affected. I have fans going but I’m feeling like plants near the floor fan inside the tent don’t have any because the breeze keeps them from setting up. I use tons of stickies, clean regularly, and they are in tents. Thanks for any help. If I could kill these things I’d be a pig in shit. Sorry for the long rant. Any help is appreciated.

My camera on my phone is shit but I’ll try to zoom in and grab a pic. Be safe and have a good one. :v::grin:

Here’s the state in which the leaves end up in. Small grow tips yield deformed leaves when they finally grow out.

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I believe your most insidious pest is not what you suspect…
Your description aptly defines a nasty fungal infection called rust. If you see the rust spots on the bottom of you leaves that ‘wipe off’ they will probably spread quite rapidly…

Honestly, from your picture I can’t really see rust…turn your leaf over and see what you have…if it is indeed rust we should see multiple rust ‘spots’.

Anyway, I’d encourage you to look under a bunch of leaves ang give us the best picture that you can…

has anyone tried using steam? saw this dudes post on another forum saying steam does the trick as long as you dont focus too much on a plant and burn it.

havent tried it, but sounds sorta reasonable maybe? dunno.

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Possible, but will take ALOT of control.
Steam is at least 212F and prone to kill cells pretty darn fast…

If you want to try it, I might suggest you try it with 120F water and check your resuts…if you put 120-125F water in a spray bottle and apply to a few limbs, you’re limiting your exposure, and will be able to gauge the plant/mites.If you spray it on, the mites may die and it would cool quickly enough to prevent tissue damage in my mind!!

Hell, nothing ventured/ nothing gained… share your results with us !!!

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Thanks for the tips and info¡ will let you know if i do.

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Emerald, sorry for the late reply…
Avid is a label for commercial nursuries. The same formulation is mostly available at local nursuries and labeled for vegtable/food crops…The truth of the matter is that Abamectin has been around a LONG time and there are many mites that are resistant to it!

I posted the link because the top selection, TetraSan isn’t even a poison, it’s a insect growth regulator which is both safe and very effective…so it’s going to pass ANY TEST there is !

Sorry if I didn’t make that clear, This is the only site I could find that packages commercial products in small, affordable units!!

Bifenazate is also a very safe miticide with a 3 day PHI (pre harvest interval) If you’d like to look at the label you may search ‘Willowood Bifenazate 50 WDG’

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Thank you for the additional info. The mites I have are completely immune to avid. It’s like water to them.
I’ll be following up on your suggestions on the other 2 and pm treatment

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Just a point of interest…Bifenazate is a hydrozine carboxylic acid ester.
You’ve probably heard in the past that some people use citric acid in insect sprays…not very efficient by itself. Citric and Malic acids are both natural carboxylic acids (both essential for energy production in the Kreb’s cycle).
Just thought it was interesting that the chemist ‘heated’ it up with hydrozine, and then stabilized it with the ester…(LOL, probably only interesting to me !!!)

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