Aphids or mites?

Best zoom i can get for now anyone confident to guess?


Hard to tell without a better picture but I would say two spotted spidermites. Mainly because of the 4th picture.


Looks like spider mites to me. :grimacing: :frowning:


I hate to say that I agree with these fella’s.:grimacing::confused:
Wish I could get a better zoom on that fourth pic to say for sure…


this was my first thought also. 2 weeks into flower on a fast flowering strain. now to contemplate scrapping them all and start over. will wait for a better scope tomorrow sigh pls dont be mites


Good luck. Hope it’s nothing parasitic. Hopefully a beneficial bugger.:crossed_fingers:

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They look like two spotted mites. :grimacing:


Two dead mites next to an egg.

FYI, The eggs are impossible to kill.


did you deal with them recently ? how did it go if so

I’ve successfully eradicated both Russet and two spotted mites (different times). The 2 spotted mites are a bit more difficult to eliminate.

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what was your method, i have dr zymes enough for 2 gallons worth of spray going to do a defoliation and spray tomorrow

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Try your way first, if that doesn’t work, come back and I’ll give you my method.

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Unfortunatly I doubt you will kill all the spidermites with one or two sprays . Even if you are successful at killing all the live ones they will return once the eggs hatch. I would suggest spraying every other day or third day for at least a month, two months is better. Neem oil will kill the eggs but it does take a lot of sprays to eradicate all bugs and eggs. Separate your plants, don’t let leaves of one plant touch another plant. This way if you are successful in one plant the mites don’t re-infect the plant next to it.
I have been successful but it is a long fight. If you can break their life cycle you win…….
I use neem because it is the least toxic thing to humans and pets.


My only brush with mites came at the very last few days of flower. I just harvested immediately and wet trimmed. Then I did a 2 part bud wash.

then I got these but they haven’t returned.

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Be careful when using Plant Therapy, I would only use that on plants in vegetation as one of the ingredients used is isopropyl alcohol which will destroy your trichomes.


Yea I see that’s in there. Probably not too strong though I can’t smell it over the essential oil stuff.

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Yes it is a lower percentage, but it doesn’t take much to kill trichomes. And I truly doubt you will smell it over the peppermint they use in that mixture. It is nothing more than horticultural oils with deterrents in it (peppermint).
Manufacturers are trying to sell a product and could care less about your success.


At this point it’s best served as a learning lesson. And Preventative Maintenance in Veg is the answer. I have a mini shed outside grow space and PM, Aphids and Spider Mites live around here. I use Sulfur as I learned from @JoeCrowe by reading his stuff on Sulfur.


Why not try MTA Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics
Kills mites and the eggs…