Worst Weed Experiences

Worst experience = having the filth invade your home, bust you and then steal your medicinal plants leaving you no choice but to get ripped off paying way over the odds for shite street weed that’s damp and half rotten. Then the fine you cos they no longer want the embarrassment of being seen persecuting the ill and disabled through the courts when they should just have issued a dam prescription.

Second worst experience = 40 years of dodging the filth and being treated as a criminal for daring to self medicate when they finally relent under pressure and re classify it as a medicine. So…now it’s a legally recognized medicine, this should be a great thing here and it would be BUT our facist government refuses to allow the medical profession to issue prescriptions…

This behaviour only makes any sense if senior members of this government had major shares in big pharma…


Nope. I assume he either went to jail or into hiding.


That’s hilarious, reminds me of the time my buddy (same one who’s house I was at for the noodles incident) and I were getting high up in his loft. He had just finished eating a muffin and drank a glass of water before taking a massive bong rip. He then begins coughing very hard, has this look of horror on his face, then grabs the empty glass in front of him and pukes right into it. It instantly fills right too the edge of the glass and he takes off with it. Had me laughing my head clear off :rofl::joy::rofl:


When I think back to how much time, $, and energy was spent cuffing and stuffing us ‘potheads’, it makes my 'pot’head swim.

Cuffs, insults, threats, and worse…for weed, or less, maybe a beer ticket. It was a trip.

Here is one for you: At a concert, go figure :upside_down_face:

Usher outside gates points all patrons to go left to this particular entrance. No biggie, we all go, a few hundred of us, but when we arrive, the gate is locked, and there is noone there to take our tickets. So, we turn around and go back to the ‘middle’, searching for the entrance, which I have entered DOZENS of times. Why is it so difficult this time?/?? dunno, but here is where it gets ugly

The same usher, shouts intoa blow horn, as i am passing him, for all people to go left to the ‘other’ gate.

I said, loudly, noooooooooo dont go left, it’s locked, and we were all getting squished.

Cuffed, stuffed, done. 12 hours chained sitting up to a wall. For ‘inciting’ a riot. Imagine what I could get away with today, umm ya…

Here is where it gets really UGLY…
One of the cops did not like me, and thought he could and should kick my ass. i disagreed with him, and let him know he would lose badly, to a loser pothead. He left without incident, other than telling me how bad i smelled, they still hadnt found the nugs in my pocket, the whole place smelled like a skunks ass!!!

At 6.am. they kicked me awake, as is customary, and ushered me into the main office, maybe a 15’ x 15’ space. I stood there alone in a circle of 20 cops. They uncuffed me, and in walks what’s his name, who hates stinkin hippies.

I refused to fight him, and demanded the captain have my cuffs put back on. Had I fought him, he would be badly hurt, but I would be dead. Who says potheads are stoopid?

lesson, don’t get arrested, and you wont get screwed by the fuzz. Go into custody for any reason, all bets are off. sad but true, live it, learn it.


“You’re a real tough guy with your 20 girlfriends behind you eh?”


in full dislosure, i love most cops, especially the ones that let me go, at critical moments in my youth, and the ones that try to ensure safety today.

but these gals were just twatburgers, out for a good time, at my expense. they were drooling over me, like i was a chip n’ dale’s :wink:

some feather in their cap, ’ we beat the crap out of a sleep deprived, underfed, dehydrated, PRISONER not a good look for them.

aahhh, the bad apples, gotta love them


I don’t normally have time for superstitions…

But when I do, the one about there being a special place in hell for bent cops is particularly appealing :+1:


they are a particularly brutal bunch. just stay off their radar. some of the worst offenders would blow off steam by beating up the cabbies that dropped them from bar to bar. poor cabbies, what did they do to anybody.

still, i’d rather have them out there, than have to sit on my porch with an ak every night.

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I once rented a place too near to a police station. The screaming from drunks getting beaten up every Friday and Saturday night used to keep me awake till around 2am.

They are the establishments enforcers, footsoldiers for the largest mafia

They ain’t there for us folks


Hell is gonna need to start a building fund to have space…lolol

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statute of limitations is over so here goes one. me and a guy i grew up with joined the national guard when i was 17 and he was 18 and still in high school. the first year for at (aka summer camp) we drove three hours to a ng camp where we set up a maintenance center and had units all over the state acting as if we were deployed in theater. their first mistake was letting my buddy be shotgun in my truck. their second mistake was allowing us to go grab our “equipment” we forgot at my house when we got there and found out he had forgotten to bring the smoke.

we toked up as soon as we got out of town, smoked two joints on the five hour drive (the trucks were way slower than cars, i just didn’t know it yet) and were baked the entire two weeks. on the first night i, we were looking for a quiet place to smoke so decided to walk around and act like it was a cigarette. as we were walking down the airstrip passing a bottle of jim and a joint, we heard a chopper behind us. no big deal we thought, so we kept walking and passing the joint. about a minute later we both learned that helicopters, although they can land and takeoff vertically, were required to do a landing approach and that here was a spec ops chopper with a contingent of delta force troops on a night mission being held up by two drunk soldiers walking down the runway passing a joint. oh, and that was in '87 and night vision was in it’s infancy, very expensive and we didn’t have many in our unit. but those were spec ops guys, so even though we were hidden from the regular troops, those guys saw everything we were doing.

that was the most fun i ever had in the military by far. i could go on but that’s enough for now. gotta work soon.


I remember I just got a nice red Ford Mustang…didn’t have it a week I had just got my license started working 2 jobs and was on my lunch break smoking roaches rolled up in a blunt while driving(dumb as hell) long story short one of the roaches fell and I looked to make sure I wasn’t setting the car on fire and ran off the road…god willing the only thing that was hurt was my pride I threw that stupid ass roach blunt out window and drove off shaken


A Cautionary Tale
Here’s a recent and OG-related experience that gave me a scare.

One of my fly fishing buddies is straight as a yardstick, organic lifestyle, child of the cosmos and a practicing homeopathist with a long list of patients for his natural medicine.

We go back a few years and recently I shared with him that I was growing cannabis. He showed some interest and after touring my grow room and learning that I was making tinctures he wanted to try some.

This fellow had never gotten high on anything, barely even sips at the weak desert wine he serves when we dine together. So I was a little reluctant to give him a taste, especially since my latest batch of Green Dragon tinc was unexpectedly potent.

He prevailed and convinced me, and after I tried to explain that he needed to be careful, and provided him with printed “Directions for Use,” I gave him a dropper bottle with about 5ml of Gorilla Glue extract.

You can probably guess the outcome. He took took one dropper in a glass of water before bed, didn’t feel anything, so he took another as he lay down. Then he couldn’t sleep so he took two more. Still couldn’t sleep so he doubled down and took an additional three shots straight under his tongue. Musta burned like hell!

The tincture he was working on had about 35 milligrams of excellent Gorilla Glue chems per ml so I reckon he had ingested close to 100mg of some respectable CannaMagic at that point. Roughly the equivalent of burning five sticks of heinous weed.

Rejoining our Hero: he still couldn’t sleep so he decided it would be a great idea to go kayak fishing at night. We both have these Hobie Angler kayaks that are more like a boat than a kayak and I’ll never understand how he got that beast on the top of his car rack in the middle of the night while the THC was sneaking up on him.

That which is inevitable will eventually become real and that reality hit him really hard once he got on the road. He told me later that he got to the lake mostly by muscle memory. That must have also got him through the fairly rigorous process of getting his kayak set up at the boat ramp.

Thank the gawds looking after fools and stoners, because he decided to get back into his car to rest for a minute before hitting the water. His THC saturated body finally gave up the ghost and crashed. He didn’t regain consciousness till the sun was high in the sky.

I only heard the story a few weeks later when I finally asked him if he had tried the tincture. He evaded the question for a bit and then sheepishly related that he’d lost my instructions and forgot everything I’d told him.

The story was pieced together from comments his sleepy wife made as he was leaving, the empty dropper bottle, and the fully rigged fishing kayak sitting in the middle of the parking lot when he woke up. He’d even tied a Wooly Bugger fly on his line before wisely deciding to “take a little rest” in the car.

We both laughed it off, but the longer I thought about it the more I realized how badly things might have turned out.

I pledge NEVER to let that happen again with any of my grow room products.

Friends don’t let Friends Play with Fire!
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


It’s true. Noobs almost always want to try edibles because you know, smoking is bad. But edibles are far more dangerous than taking a few hits off a joint if you don’t know what you’re doing.


Not funny about your car but it did remind me of the car crash scene from big Lebowski :joy:


Oh so true! And by the time they realize they over did it, it’s too late!

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I got another one…so me and a couple friends were going to this teen club in NC. We got a couple $20 bags and loaded up the minivan. In said minivan sat 8 underage children with a 8 blunts. Everybody had their own also it was my first time rolling so I had weed all in my lap sitting in the last row of the minivan. I smoked half My blunt and was too high to finish so I was just enjoying the ride. Next thing you know I see all types of beer cans and shit coming over the seat and heard the chatter about passing a cop turns out the driver was speeding. I immediately just start hoping for the best forgetting about the weed in my lap. The cops made all of us get out the van one by one. By the time he got to me he shines the flashlight on me and I look down at my lap look up at the cop look back down at my lap and just shake my head. Remember I said it was my first time rolling I had weed everywhere couldn’t even lie and say it wasn’t me :innocent:


I’ve probably watched that movie 30 times, knew exactly what you were talking about, knew exactly what was going to happen and still laughed my ass off when it did!

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My absolute worst weed experiences have always been when I’m out. Never had a “bad trip” with weed, no matter how much I smoked. I mean, other than coughing and hacking no bad experiences. The caveat here is I’m not particularly familiar with edibles. They’re not the same high, so I tend not to do them. I guess while I do like hash, etc, my real preferred high is “plain” old weed. Pot leaf hopper Or new weed! rofl

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I have never, ever gotten a slight buzz from an edible…ever. not a joke at all.

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