Would love to test some seeds indoors

You should stop by free seed and free clone thread.
Always helpful to include some preferences with trade/testing requests. Afghan or sativa fuel no fuel fruity?
Also different from what? @NuggHufferKush


If you search tester in the search bar you will see threads with breeders looking for testers. You can see the plants they are working with and ask questions about the strains they want tested.


I got another spot left on my tester thread if your interested.


What tester thread is this? Not that I have room, but still want to ohh and ahh :joy:


Go take a look at Socal Seedvault.Alter Ego is on there and hes selling Classic reproductions as well as a whole bunch of oldschool classics.like 35 $ a pack.We tend to look at seeds like if they are more expensive they have to be better quality not true at all.The seed trade section is where you want to mingle and get to know people.Ive got beans for free that i ended up reproducing and trading those and i was able to build up about 130 different Strains in about 3 years here and ive gotten beans in here that cost me 3.25$for shipping that beat out packs that used to cost me around 150$.Theres growers on here that make better pollen chucks then some of these overpriced Seed breeders for thier Guesswork F1s


I got some seeds for you but they are homemade bromigo…


Here are some quality beans at an extremely fair price!


Guesswork F1s - what a descriptive term! It’s a damn shame that we’re conditioned to growing out a pack of seeds looking for that best one.


I can tell you this much i found a lot more keepers in the packs of Seeds i used to get through the Kind Seed Catalog when Marc was running it back from 2000 to around 2007 i want to say even the males were Nice plants.How many keepers you find having to blow through a whole pack these days?


Depends on the breeder buddy.

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Like whom?

Like trichome orchards, badd news, who are my friends

Strayfox, dominion, bodhi, doc d, mean gene, twodog, archive


DITTO, Ditto, and double ditto!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


When i see the prices of that gear and what i spent on them ive had quite a few of those breeders in my stash over the years and i compare it to what i get on here in gifts and trades in the overall what i got spreadsheet compared to the Purchases It wasnt even a contest.I had to pop a whole pack of Dukes Dominion skunk and i found 2 nice Girls in there the rest were alright but i popped 4 of Johnny Potseeds Frankies and i got 4 winners right off the bat thats just one example He has some of the cheapest seeds on the planet right now and thier all straight up killers.I paid over 180$ for that pack Johnnys was a veterans freebie


I get a lot of seeds for free

I also have a lot of seeds I paid for

The cost isn’t the point

The genetics are


Most of my packs I bartered for so I didn’t pay for them. Didn’t have to. So in the end I don’t care about cost just the genetics contained within a cultivar


Hit me in the DMs, I just had a seed harvest in November and need to get some out! All I ask is share the experience here on OG.


Have you not seen what went into Frankie?The things a goddamn modern art masterpiece Of nothing but good lol.Its all good homie i respect your opinion.There is some good genetics right at your feet and you dont have to pay an arm and a leg for good genetics.Much love Peace -:billed_cap:-Sometimes the best things in life are free


Yes I saw what went into frankie. I’m sure it’s great for a lot of people, and I respect @JohnnyPotseed 's work.

However I am just have my own tastes. You missed my point completely. I’ve gotten plenty of seeds off here.