Would you be interested in participating in a West Coast Meet Up?

Got it filled out and sent it back


Always down for San Diego. I lived there for years.

May say anywhere there is an event hall would take us.

Maybe a beach day down on the parking lot side of mission bay
@Ris i will call you today…


I’m willing to travel a bit. Filled out the form, lets make it happen :smiley:


I just voted yes, because hell yeah y’all should meet up! Cant say I’d make it now that I’ve moved a bit east. No guarantees, but I do make the trip on occasion.

^This also. :wink:


Well, I was hoping for a bit more interest, bumping for attention.


Mission bay/fiesta island were my thoughts as well if we did one down here one day. There’s plenty of event halls that would take us or maybe even an airbnb by the beach/bay. I’ve been wanting to do that for awhile now, a little local cup or just a hangout for the day or wknd.


We have a total of like 6 people, Im not thinking this will happen…

If it does, It will be pretty small, Im not sure people would want to come down from washington, just to meet up with a couple people.

I could be totally wrong, and kind of hope i am.


Very interested in a meet up but southern CA would be a good haul, would have to take a week vacation from work and the wife also


Maybe the west coast has too many miles and not enough members. Canadians rule here, that’s for sure! :star_struck:
How about splitting into 2 smaller groups with less miles between members.
A SoCal Meet up and a PNW Meet up. Might get more people sign up if they don’t have to go as far. Just a thought…


Not a bad idea, I think it would be alot easier for members in each region to make it


I like the idea of narrowing it down a little, would make it easier for people to day trip to. Maybe we can try around 420 or free music in the park style festivals to plan something out.


I’m down with that.

If y’all North enders just want to come for a day trip, you’re welcome at my place. I’ll feed you to balance the gas cost. :wink:

It’s nothing fancy, but its got plenty of square feet, 2 bathrooms and some pot plants :wink: we hosted 17 people comfortably at Thanksgiving. Nice big catio porch if the weather is nice, heater out there if its not. Weed inside, and if you tobacco that’s outside only. It’s urban, so the neighbors are close but smoking is legal so no worries there. We’re pretty low-allergen in spite of the cats. Bring a blow-up mattress if you’re worried you won’t get straight in time to drive home.
It’s me, my mom and my brother here. Mom will absolutely light one up.

Edited to add: I’m in Everett, Washington, which is a little bit north of Seattle & I’m just off of I5.


Sounds like a solid option. I just wanna come hang out. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: What state are you in? I’m in southern Oregon between Grants Pass and Roseburg.


Kind of far for a one day :slight_smile: I’m in Everett, Washington, which is a little bit north of Seattle & I’m just off of I5.


Sounds like a good time @RainToday, could be a good option. Was thinking a festival of some sort would also be a good idea. But I am not sure of what is coming up , probably not to much till we are closer to spring?


What are we thinking? Do we want to keep planning this now, or do you wanna wait until closer to spring and then see where everyone’s at?


It costs next to nothing to fly cross country nowadays.
I’m East coast but would be interested in a meetup in Pacific if plans work out.


I’m happy with any of it, including hosting something small & simple soonish and still planning something more substantial when it gets warm. :slight_smile:

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Lessee…From the top of Washington to the bottom of California via I-5 is 1,333 miles, 20 hrs by Google maps. About halfway, on the coast, is between Crescent City, CA and Trinidad, CA. Crescent City has an airport when the fog isn’t in. Trinidad is about a 20 minute drive from Eureka which has an airport when the fog isn’t in. Summer is best - fog in the AM, sun in the P.M. I would favor Trinidad - small town easy drives to national parks, casino, great restaurants for any budget. Great, easy hike up hills. Etc.

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Motels, events nearby? Maybe a two or three day thing when the weather clears?