Wreckage master bastard kush contest

I think that is the first set of 7, I win, I win.
Just so you don’t think it’s fixed, I will pass the prize along to the next set of 7.

Almost 10"


I think my heat is way too low. They are slowing down.


Get them higher off the ground I’d say…there’s a 17 degree difference from my inkbird sensor above the canopy to my govee sitting on the table. Ordered a vivosun 48x20 heat mat coming tomorrow.
Got me a couple of 10".
Almost all going strong.
The WMBK is freekin growing like a …well a freekin weed :rofl:


Jesus how are your guys so big already? Damn 3 days ago we were close now mine look stunted lol.


Mine are going slow too. Probably my temps.
The three WMBK.

The other babies getting some air.

Look at all them helmet heads!

In other news…
Got me a drug test yesterday!
So, you know what I’m doing tonight. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hey @Going2fast - finally got to test fire the Scarlet Grapes. :grin: Bravo brotha!

Even though my cure wasn’t the best, and my tolerance is toast - Bravo! :clap:


I gotta get home and check on my garden, hopefully today.


I know right. Lol

I guess my plants being two feet away from the t5s has something to do with mine being smaller.


Steroid Nutrition…

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I’m back! Not gonna show my scrawny babies just yet. :joy: I just wanted to say this post really kinda made me smile. :slightly_smiling_face: @blowdout2269 I know your work situation and the fact you don’t get to partake as often as you’d probably like… Happy to see ya enjoy a little “you time”! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:🪶🪶

Ahh hell! Here they are anyway! :joy:


Quick transplant question.
Do y’all wait for the solo cup to fill out and have the roots wrap around the cup?
Or before?
Only done autos and transplanted pretty quickly once in it’s cycle.


I generally wait for sharp white roots to start filling the cup. Then full transplant.

When I do hydro as soon as I see shoots coming out of medium I can go to 5 /10 gallon buckets 🪣 immediately


Thank you brother!
Wish I could like it more than once. :heart::heart::heart:
I’m almost at complete peace this way. :green_heart:
Though it’ll be shortlived. It will be enjoyed. :slightly_smiling_face:


Ok, so 3 days ago I turned the lights up to 50% and raised it to the top of the tent…ppfd is only high 380-400ish…what the FAQ is going on?

Heat is set at 75-80
Humidity is 65%
Can’t believe it’s overwatering. Was careful with a baster.
Thanks growchachos :sleepy:


Look over watered but if you were careful idk.

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Turn that light back up to 75%

Everything else is perfect


Down to 25% …ok ya some of the leaves in the center stock are pointing straight up…and the fan leaves down…to much light?
FFS maybe it’s both … This is my first time going by feel of the cup…for watering… probably got that wrong as well.
Ok…thanks for the quick response fellas…
Gonna try repairs


Home from the hospital, I’ll get some pictures tonight. Kids did a good job while I was gone.:peace_symbol:


Glad you are back home.


@LzBoy he said turn your light up not down. You turned your light up and raised it so cancelling the intensity with increased distance. Turn your light up and you’ll have happy plants.


? I thought to much light caused them to try and hide leaf surface area by drooping outer fan leaves and center new ones went from laying nice and flat, to pointing straight up…
Am I wrong on that?
If I raise it to 75% at the top of the tent my ppfd will be up at 550ish at tree top. Isn’t that to much for only 19 days in?
Sry if these are dumb ass questions… My brains been fried and soaking in alcohol for 30 yrs. With only 5 of the last years dry :grimacing:

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