Wreckage master bastard kush contest

I was just pointing out what @GEMI-CONNECT616 suggested cause you got it backwards to what he said. I’m not experienced enough to know otherwise.lol you’ll get it.


Gotcha, thanks. Ya I was wondering why @GEMI-CONNECT616 suggested going UP instead of down to 25…
Thats what’s cool about photos I guess… If I fuck it up. I can still recover… I never should of started this hobby doing autos.
All in the fun of learning… Thanks everyone :+1:
Have a great Sunday :green_heart:


Yes to be clear. The height from plants are fine. Your humidity is perfect ppm sounds about right your von from light will change when you bring light up to at least 75%

I run all my lights full and have no issues as they are maxed to the 7foot height. So it’s like daylight in there.

I also believe if you PAR your lighting and do all the technical stuff you can really dial in numbers.

But honestly. Plants some times don’t care about all our fancy stuff. They just want soil/medium water and some kinda food with some sunlight.

Otherwise. It’s a weed. And I let it do what it needs. I have had many trials and error with lights.
My environment right now seems to be a happy place.

If anyone is on my discord or YouTube channels. I try to post up videos of my grow situation here.

For anyone that knows me. Feel free to hit me up with any info
Or what can be done a

I am not a professional

But I do pay attention like one. And do what I can to adjust every grow to make it better


All these guys have seen some of my goofiness and grows

So we all try and help each other.

As far as what I can see from photos you posted. I sent you a message on what I believe is a perfect grow.

You got this and never take failure as a failure. We call them learning curves here.

Not failures


About time for an update I reckon.


BCBBK A & B Still the smallest but I expect that to change when I flip them

LSGTK A & B They are getting to be big girls


So if im reading my notes correctly, I need to start sexing them on week 3, which is the 22. Three more days. If anyone thinks im jumping the gun let me know. I plan to switch to 12/12 for 3 or 4 days till I can identify their sex, ax all the males and then switch back to 18/6. I hope I have that right.

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Damn how are all you all getting such big leaves in solos? Mine are 18/6 with 4 hours of sunlight on window sil.


Easy, I sold my soul. :japanese_ogre: :metal:


Damn it I need to find a crossroads like Robert Johnson did I think!:thinking:

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I’ll meet you there. Get you in contact with my “guy”. :alien:


Okay, my lil’ bastards are finally making an appearance. I’m way behind most of you, and these have a hard harvest date of 90 days from today. So it should be interesting, I need to get my temps up too …


Great to hear, Brother. Speedy recovery to ya.


Super wide leaves on the WMBK, I love it.


I usually wait until the 5th set of leaves, but I don’t know I’m sure it all works.


Damn! This was 2 hours ago! Am I late? I wanna come too! Mine may be broken as well! :joy:
Maybe I need to put a needle on this syringe I’ve been using to water the solos and start injecting them with some go juice! :joy:
Great job y’all! :fist:t3:


I’m not that far ahead of ya bud. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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My wmbk things are moving along.


Must be good to be home and have that over with. Glad your back.


Thanks my friend, you said it, there’s no place like home.:+1:t2:


Good morning everyone, a quick update on my Solo cups, looks like I am going to have two. Look out, here I come @NDNCHILD


Not a bunch of exciting progress yet. They’ve been in soil 11 days now and are ready for a transplant and bigger lights. Hope everyone is having good luck with their plants.

The seed and clone area with Bubba Kush and Bubblegum cuts just getting started.