Yellowing advice!

I have a gut feeling this is some sort of a nute lock out but have you tried dimming your lights a touch?Only reason I say something is because I just ran into a yellowing problem not this severe but it was noticeable and I had my lights on 50% I dimmed it back down to 30% and my plant started going all green again now it’s the best plant in my tent for growth.Might help you a bit


Great advice above, consider all and act cautiously. Listen close enough and the plants will tell you.

I’m going with this theory: nute lockouts due to pH at the soil/root level.

Whatever the pH of your feed water, the pH delivered to your plants at the root level is way wrong. That’s difficult to detect, but a runoff pH or a slurry test would confirm it.

So, your leaves are starving for nutes that they cannot access and pouring more nutes into the picture just complicates the pH problem without solving it.

Make sense?

Consider the suggestions above and think about which ones will bring your soil pH back into the zone (I shoot for 6.5 in soil), and then try them on an individual pot first. “Listen” carefully for feedback. lol

Best of luck,


How do you DM on this site? Lol

Just click on the username you want to message and in the pop up you’ll see an option to message them.

I would supplement what your feeding with some Alaskan fish ferts, not a lot.

The ladies are doing much better!
They were root-bound! I never had this problem before with 3 gallon pots, as I keep them short. Lesson learned. Plus, using Bio365 Flower, I now have the nutrients needed to go through harvest. I have only added some calmag. Pulling then out from the net to transplant was not fun and trying to replace them back into position was a nightmare, but glad they are better.
Thanks to all who added input, it was greatly appreciated. Looking forward to enjoying the Emperor’s Dream.

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