Would you top this plant?

Long story short: this plant got sick and had to cut most of it out. It’s been good for about a week and a half now and all new growth is good.

My question is, should I cut it all the way down and basically start over With that new growth at the bottom? What would you do?

I actually already topped the very top of it just a second ago and realized maybe I should’ve just cut the whole thing down.

It’s a female purple berry Kush. Not in a huge hurry to flower it… Just want to get the most out of her it was my only seed.

Can someone let me know if there’s a way to post a self-destructing topic. I would’ve just posted this on my grow diary thread, but it wouldn’t of gotten as many clicks for the specific question. Just curious if there’s a way to do something like that.


This is the right way to do it, people cannot read all the grow threads. If you have time an patience I would cut it this way, with lots of roots she will grow back vigorously… beer3|nullxnull


Yeah, that was my thought. I just cut the very top, hoping to reroute some energy to the bottom nodes…but I didn’t know if it was worth leaving those leaves up there as solar panels you know… just to grab more energy.

I don’t know exactly how it works. If certain leaves only provide energy to certain parts of the plant. Just getting into this.



She’ll grow out like a proper bush now


You can also pop a dab of honey on the stem.
Help it scab over.


It’s better to cut the top next time and leave the
big fan leaves, they would have boosted the growth overall and you can cut them later when your lower shoots gets bigger
Just a side note :wink:


That was actually my original question so thanks for answering. It’s all good. She’ll be fine.


I would’ve tied the top down to below the new shoots and allow them to take over.

But topping is a solid move too.


You can clone the top piece you cut off and have 2 plants.


I would have tried, but I had already topped it so it didn’t really have a top would’ve been hard to clone…

I’ll clone it later :man_shrugging:


Maybe the lower branches having a higher top as you say leading the apical growth wouldn’t have reacted as now that they are the apical growth itself. Sorry for my bad English … beer3|nullxnull


Yeah, I feel way better about that now. It should grow out nice and fast from there its roots are pretty big.

Should have cloned it though, oh well.


That sounds interesting I’ll have to try that next time


Same situation, different plant… I topped the very top on this one to see the difference - I’m kinda leaning toward just topping it off low…

Here’s the one I topped all the way down… doing great.

What would you guys do? I’d like to get a clone if possible… I could let those top two nodes grow out a little more and take them as individual clones and get two… so many options

I’m going to top it. The matter is just wwhen… I just wonder if the two top nodes need a little longer before I cut and try to clone them

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Thinking you need to start feeding your plants a bit earlier to stop that starving look happening or pot up into fresh dirt that has ferts in them already, basically they just looking hungry mate.

As for topping plants that have a problem, I’m not a big fan of stressing an already stressed out plant till its better, but that’s me.


Do exactly what hes saying, i agree. First repot that into a new container immediately with good soil like fox farms. Then leave it be i wouldnt add anymore stress to it. Personally id do that and let it green up and recover. Then in a couple weeks you could flower it. If u cant do that give it some plant food with higher nitrogen until it greens up.

Dont over think it, less is more with growing cannabis. Remember topping slows it down too for a week or so. I only top if its a taller plant. Where is the purple berry kush from? Pm me if you need help with anything.


Thanks for the feedback. I ended up topping her. I clipped off those two top nodes to try to clone but considering how well the other one grew back…decided to give her a reset.

This is pre-and-post pH measuring for you.

Last one I topped like that went from this:

To this: took 9 days.


Looks like its bouncing back, did u feed it some nitrogen? Eitherway it should be fine when you repot it later.


Yes sir. I also got my apera pH measuring device in the mail and realized that my tapwater was over 7.5 so they’ve been getting high pH water since germination. Definitely noticing a difference now :raised_hands:


100% … yep