Yellowing and other problems

I had an old friend/mentor of mine come by last night. He is an organic only man he has been growing raising plants and animals for 40+ years. He has a nice sized orchard, grows sunflowers and has a couple hundred bee hives.

I put the plants in a new pot a little over a week ago. My friend said the plants where root bound in the smaller pots and they depleted the soil. They must have been in shock for the first few days after the transplant so the continues to lighten. It took a while for their roots to grow enough into the new soil to feed properly.

I also found out from him the fungus is a harmless saprophytic fungus.

Here are the plants from earlier this morning.

Thank you all for the helpful suggestions. I have learned new things about growing from you all.


Most soil-based mediums have all kinds of mold spores in them and will germinate if/when conditions are just right.
Also, most fungi are saprophytic, not pathogenic, and are harmless to plants, people and pets.

The saprophytic fungus growing on your medium is most likely caused by high soil moisture and may be remedied by mixing equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and distilled water in a spray bottle and spraying it on the soil.

Hey there,

I’ve recently noticed dried leaf tips on my plant. What could be the cause? I rule out over-fertilization since I only sparingly enrich the water with EM and molasses.

Strain: Grease Monkey x Fruity Pebbles OG (Humboldt Seed Company Europe samples from Cannafair '22)
Plant Height: approx. 1.45m
Pot Size (liters): 6L
Growing Area: 60x60 cm
Plant Medium: Florgranics Dope Soil, used once before
Duration of Vegetative Phase: 62 days
Duration of Flowering Phase: 45 days so far
Current Vegetative or Flowering Day: 107
Fertilizer (Which, how often, and amount, N-P-K): 2 ml effective microorganisms + 1 tsp molasses once a week
Lighting (Watt and distance): 1x Greenception GCx2Solo (80w) about 40 cm from the canopy
pH / EC (if measuring device available): pH value 7.39 (according to waterworks analysis certificate)
Humidity (RLF): 45-55%
Air Temperature: 23-28°C
Soil Temperature: –
Watering: Amount: 1.2 liters
Watering: Frequency: every 3-4 days, depending on consumption/weight
Additives (e.g., pH minus, etc.): —
Pest Treatments (how often and with what): once with nematodes two weeks ago, as fungus gnats were seen on the yellow sticky traps
Other Information: White and red clover as companion plants and old leaves as mulch