Thoughts on this?

Hi OGs! I was just checking girls after yesterday defo, watering and foliar and noticed some spots in a couple plants, both are clones from the same plant. Its like an interveinal decoloration and to be honest is so small and the overall plant look is nice but just wondering if i may plan something to dont fuck it up in the next flowering weeks wich is crucial. Better to this soon if im able t it looks like maybe ph fluctuation? But maybe some micro?

Day 9 flowering.

Light Mix + 5% wormcasting + 5% compost

Im using Terra Aquatica/GH Organics line and wormcasting teas. Wormcasting teas are very low concentration.

Schedule is TEA - FERTS - WATER - FERTS


0.4 RO water
Humics and wormcasting brewed for 48h and added some cal mag and epsom salts before.
Ec. 450ppm
Ph 6.6 Water was a little bit warm imo, 25°C

Foliar sprayed with nettle and micros.

Today i went inside and they stretched the fuck out of them. Looking super green and happy but just concerned because of that.


IMO you need better lighting :grin:you are on day nine of flower and they will start to stretch it’s all in the process …but lighting is what’s causing megastretch and spaced out node formations

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Can you wipe this out? icon_e_confused|nullxnull If so it could be some PM or similar due to high humidity or those foliar sprays, if not pH fluctuations as you pointed. Agree with lack of lighting … beer3|nullxnull


Hi! Im using Gavita DE HPS at 825 and waiting to flip them to 1000w in the next days, i was measuring with the luxmeter and the canopy was around 45000-50000 lux now. Would you recommend me to dime now to 1000 and stay over 50000-60000? I was expecting stretch because they are Sour Diesel hybrids and OG hybrids so i think is normal node spacing for those strains? They never do baseball bats, they do spaces golf balls at least in my hands lol. Thanks for answering!


Not familiar with hps or strain ! The lux meter you’re using is it a phone app or an actual Lux meter ….

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The stretch is normal. Those spots on the leafs are not. Usually when I start to get interveinal discoloration it’s a sign I’ve too much light, but that’s from a qb, my hps has never done that to me. Could also be the beginning of mag deficiency. Let’s see what else OGs come up with

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Hi, what you mean with wipe out? Like dust? No its like lighter colour on thw leaf. Or you mean take a pic outside? Sorry english is not my mother lenguage. I dont think its PM, never never had it but gonna take a look. Humidity raised to 70 so tomorrow i’ll put the dehumidifier on, will make a lower prune i think better cause they stretched? This would help lower the humidity and another defoliation in about 14 days…

Thanks for your time and answer!

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Nah its an actual lux meter
But its pretty cheap so maybe is even worse haha :upside_down_face:

Sorry guys by the way the strain is White Caviar F3 by aficionado. Zkittlez x magnum opus x sour diesel x chemdawg.

Also i cant Like your answers till tomorrow cause i have no more likes for today but i promisse i will do. <3


The numbers sounds good :face_with_monocle:

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Maybe the tops are too close to the lights? That would cause those types of anomalies.


English isn’t mine either :sweat_smile:, good thing it is not PM, but you should lower RH if possible … Arriba|nullxnull


I wouldn’t defol anymore. 1000hps? You have plenty of space for the light to get in there, those leaflets are your solar panels…keep em!


Please refrain from this ! She is not needing defoliation by the looks of it plenty of light penetration and airflow


Okay, those were some thoughts i had. The strains used for this, some could be finicky to too much light.

I watered with some Epsom Salts with contains mag so in tha case should fix it. Thanks for answering

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I’m thinking the same thing @gman now that I looked at the picture again and see it’s right near the top

Edit: how far away is the light from the tops? What’s the temp at the top? Can you place the back of your hand facing the light at the top without it being uncomfortable?

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I was thinking also in light bleach, but a powerful light wouldn’t match with stretching so high … icon_e_confused|nullxnull


Strain dependant. My nlds are stretching like mad directly a few inches under a 600w .

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Also let me tell you, this is happening only in 2 of 120 plants that i did noticed.

This is how the canopy looks


They have like 1-1.20m aprox from the lights and those two are on the sides of the try so not the more exposed plants of the canopy. But maybe is too finicky?

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