First Grow - Multiple Deficiencies

Howdy! I’m at a loss on how to fix this. Here are the details:

Strain: HSC’s P.P.D. (photos)
Medium: Roots Original (coco-based soil)

These girls are 50 days old. I realize I underfed them early-on, and I’m trying to fix that now. I have started giving the Roots Organic bottled lineup (most of it), along with top-dressing worm castings. I was previously pH’ing my water and nutes at 6.6 to 6.9, because my pen was miscalibrated. Along the way, these problems started to develop, so I fed more.

I now know that Roots recommends feeding this soil a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Whoops, I think I’ve caused lockouts. Since discovering this I’ve fed once (5.8) and watered once (6.0). I fed one plant tonight at 5.5, and checked the run off an hour later at 7.8. I don’t think the plants have responded to this (not referring to tonight). Should I just pick a low pH, feed regularly and trust the process? I could really use some advice.


Plants might not like all the stuff in the water. Have you tried water only for 7-10 days.

Can you post more pics?


I can show you a pic of what happened to mine when I did that the first 3 weeks of flower…long story short yield was definitely affected had some airy buds too


Here’s some more pics. I water/feed, alternating, every 2-3 days. I haven’t done much to try and fix it other than increasing nutes and dropping pH since discovering my pH error. They may be on the mend, and perhaps I need to be more patient, but I don’t want the shorter, bushier two to end up as rough as the lanky one.


Can’t see those. Hang out on the site a while you’ll be able to upload pics soon. Maybe stop doing stuff give em water and after 10-15 days a nice EWC top dress. Allow them to heal.

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Completely agree on that Arriba|nullxnull, new growth look much better, nice mainlining too … beer3|nullxnull


For soil, your pH sweet spot is 6.5 going in.


Yeah…definite lock up, possible root issues???
Maybe flush the plant with lots of pH adjusted and filtered water-- wait until she starts to dry out, then feed her… remember to pH the solution after adding the nutrients at the indicated amounts…many people don’t… and don’t know your experience level-- so am ging to be very ‘newbie’ so please don’t take it wrong!!
Many people keep watering and feeding their plants on a schedule, instead of when the plant actually is ready for it.
Feeding same day every week is great-- watering in-between needs to be done ONLY when the plant actually needs it. In bags-- it’s trickier than in regular planters-- because the soil dried at the sides as well as at the top- but not at the same rate… but if you see the soil pulling away from the sides, and you can stick your finger down into the soil to your 2nd knuckle and it feels dry-- you can water.
ALWAYS use enough nutrient solution to thoroughly soak the soil and have some runoff-- let them sit in the runoff to uptake what they need for a couple hours-then dump the drip pan.
What I’m seeing in the pale green is a possible combo of over watering and a possible nutrient deficiency- probably from your pH issues.
We just went through that–BOTH meters were f-ed up!
If your pH meter messes up- you have no way of knowing until the plant shows you-- then it can take weeks of TLC to see signs that she’s fixed!

Good luck hun… and WELCOME to OG!! It’s a GREAT place to be!!


Thank you. First time I saw Nebula’s manifold technique I knew I had to try it.


I don’t believe the Roots Original can be considered straight soil, though. They suggest 5.5-6.5, as it’s coir-based.

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Thank you for the tips; I really appreciate it. I’m definitely new to this, but I’ve got some good practices down. Water is filtered and pH’d, I mix my nutes the day before feeding and aerate them overnight with a pump and some air stones. My pen is calibrated now, which is good. I don’t usually water/feed to runoff, but I will start. I do the knuckle test, and sometimes don’t water for 4 days if they’re not pretty dry.

I just watered the two girls in the back with 5.8 water, hoping that makes more of what I last fed available.

Having a lot of fun with this, though. Just hoping I can get them feeling/looking better before I need to flip. I just trained them down again because my tent is 6’ and I imagine these will be pretty tall once I flip/the stretch happens.

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Beautiful mainline! I also read nebulas mainline after seeing nugbuckets do it first she made it seem doable. I just today made final cuts so I have 8 colas when grows out. Dark time so can’t post pic right now. I’m new but I have found less is better if all else fails flush ph water let dry and feed. Great advice @Lady.Zandra63


@Lady.Zandra63 gave some sage advice for sure.


5.8 is VERY low for soil!
6.2 - 6.8 is optimal for nutrient uptake…



So, I use that very same graphic. The reason why I’m now trying such a low pH is because of this info from the Roots website/feeding schedule:

“We suggest a pH range from 5.5 to 6.5 for our potting soil.”

I’m using their original soil which lists these ingredients:

“Perlite, Coco Fiber, Peat Moss, Composted Forest Material, Pumice, Worm Castings, Bat Guano, Soybean Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Fishbone Meal, Kelp Meal, and Greensand.”

I assumed the hydro-esque pH recommendation is because this “soil” is coco-based. Your thoughts?

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I know coir and hydro shoot for pH in 5.5-5.8 but soil is at most 6-7 or as noted 6.2-6.8. that is just growers standard. If that’s what they say to shoot for then stay on the high end 6.2-6.5 that way you tick both boxes. Also the overwatering and extra nutes(#4 noob mistake) to fix problems that look like deficiency but is other causes.


I feel this was your main issue.
Your medium was most likely above a PH of 8 if it was 5.5 going in and coming out 7.8, it may have been as high as 9.

But you did the right thing by adding 5.5 food/water.
It looks like it has balanced a bit since the first pic.
Keep checking the runout/runoff when you get to 6.5 start feeding closer to 6.
If the PH of your medium is always on the rise, please don’t just assume this…
If it is 5.8-5.5 is ok going in.
But you need to adjust this if and when your medium swings a different way.
In other words keep an eye on your runout/runoff.

You are on the right track, try to leave things alone and let em bounce back proper.

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Yep…that stands to reason…just me…but. I’d aim for as close to 6.0 as possible…

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Thank you, all. I’ll follow your (collective) guidance and report back. :blush: