"Yes, I really do need all these plants." 🤣 Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

This week has been utterly nuts. Did 4 hours of Pressure washing on saturday and now my hands hurt so bad the right one want even working for a bit. Didn’t realize but apparently you can get carpal tunnel again. After carpal tunnel surgery fixes it. That’s sure what this feels like. Had to grab a wrist brace from my mom and move my mouse to the left side of the keyboand and try to use the voice input thing to write on here. Blarg.

Harvested the gorgeous Mimosa plants from @Ris , details over here - Ris - Growing Up Ganja - #936 by RainToday

Also harvested the rest of my photoperiods, except 3. @OnePassionateGrower that’s your two, and also a large one of my not-Woodrose x Grapefruit. I’m going to be switching gears here, Mom got into a study and won’t be smoking for a while so I’ll be doing seed runs and furthering some breeding projects. I already have way more bud then she’ll be able to smoke before she has to quit for the study on June 15, and it’s got too many bugs to try to keep alive in veg, so with regrets on my part I’m passing the plants to a local friend to finish outside.

A few people have the cross I made of 5-Alive x Grapefruit. I sprouted 30, chose 10, threw out 2 female herms and finished 3 plants in itty bitty 1g pots. I’ll have a smoke report later, but I wasn’t especially impressed with the plants. Here’s the 3, wet trimmed because they had horrid spider mites.

I also sent a few people some other not-Woodrose crosses. I just finished off these two. The tall one was super spider mite vulnerable, but the shorter one was really delightful. They were grown side by side the whole time, same treatment. Love the structure on shorty, the color, and it put on a lot of bud which smells delightful.

My seedlings are all planted, 6 Miss Piggy + 4 that didn’t pop but are getting a chance in soil, 4 +1 of the MBAP x DG, and all 10 of the Gabagoo popped and went in soil last night. Today I got my Pineapple x Zamaldelica Express f4 planted also, 12/13 had popped.

I’m waiting for the seeds to finish on the Beast Mode in a few weeks, and the ZE f5 girl to finish in another week or so, and then it’ll all be breeding parties here for a bit. :grin:

Also, I’ve got ripe red hognose bell peppers, green tomatoes, and I’m letting the basil flower because I think the ladybugs like it :grin: but once again the cucumbers were a bust.