"Yes, I really do need all these plants." šŸ¤£ Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

A member sent them a few years back, sadly I donā€™t remember who it was. Beautiful plant. Great smoke.


I am definitely looking forward to seeing this plant progress.


This week has been utterly nuts. Did 4 hours of Pressure washing on saturday and now my hands hurt so bad the right one want even working for a bit. Didnā€™t realize but apparently you can get carpal tunnel again. After carpal tunnel surgery fixes it. Thatā€™s sure what this feels like. Had to grab a wrist brace from my mom and move my mouse to the left side of the keyboand and try to use the voice input thing to write on here. Blarg.

Harvested the gorgeous Mimosa plants from @Ris , details over here - Ris - Growing Up Ganja - #936 by RainToday

Also harvested the rest of my photoperiods, except 3. @OnePassionateGrower thatā€™s your two, and also a large one of my not-Woodrose x Grapefruit. Iā€™m going to be switching gears here, Mom got into a study and wonā€™t be smoking for a while so Iā€™ll be doing seed runs and furthering some breeding projects. I already have way more bud then sheā€™ll be able to smoke before she has to quit for the study on June 15, and itā€™s got too many bugs to try to keep alive in veg, so with regrets on my part Iā€™m passing the plants to a local friend to finish outside.

A few people have the cross I made of 5-Alive x Grapefruit. I sprouted 30, chose 10, threw out 2 female herms and finished 3 plants in itty bitty 1g pots. Iā€™ll have a smoke report later, but I wasnā€™t especially impressed with the plants. Hereā€™s the 3, wet trimmed because they had horrid spider mites.

I also sent a few people some other not-Woodrose crosses. I just finished off these two. The tall one was super spider mite vulnerable, but the shorter one was really delightful. They were grown side by side the whole time, same treatment. Love the structure on shorty, the color, and it put on a lot of bud which smells delightful.

My seedlings are all planted, 6 Miss Piggy + 4 that didnā€™t pop but are getting a chance in soil, 4 +1 of the MBAP x DG, and all 10 of the Gabagoo popped and went in soil last night. Today I got my Pineapple x Zamaldelica Express f4 planted also, 12/13 had popped.

Iā€™m waiting for the seeds to finish on the Beast Mode in a few weeks, and the ZE f5 girl to finish in another week or so, and then itā€™ll all be breeding parties here for a bit. :grin:

Also, Iā€™ve got ripe red hognose bell peppers, green tomatoes, and Iā€™m letting the basil flower because I think the ladybugs like it :grin: but once again the cucumbers were a bust.


Good Morning @RainToday .
Thanks for the nice update. Sorry about your hand - hopefully between wearing a brace and using some of that CBD rub from your Mom, youā€™ll be healed up soon.
Iā€™m excited to see you run the MBAP x Double Grape. I hope you pass some of the bud around to friends to be enjoyed. (Since it looks like your Mom will be abstaining) It really was a nice smoke.


Thanks! I will certainly share if I get an extra girl to grow for bud :smiley: and seeds if not. The primary mission for this batch is a Miss Piggy seed run, and since the Man Bear Alien Pig are part of that cross and I didnā€™t have many MP seeds, these and the Gabagoo are insurance in case of an unfavorable m/f outcome. Right now Iā€™m at the stage of biting my nails while I wait for the seeds to emerge. Its warm in there, and the humidity is high, and the soil is damp but not saturated so conditions are perfect but Iā€™m always super anxious at this stage. Iā€™ll probably check them every couple hours today, but might not see any sprouts until tomorrow. :woman_facepalming::laughing::green_heart::seedling:


You grow very interesting strain names :grin:

Miss Piggy
Man Bear Alien Pig, lol

I hope your wrist is healing up, I had the very start of carpel tunnel and damn, that suuucks!!


This is the current problem - I am unable to straighten my middle finger without unacceptable pain levels and clicking from the tendon. This is a critical issue because it means I canā€™t flip anyone the bird. :rofl::woman_facepalming::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Sure you can, you just need to flip your hand upside down. Roll that wrist over.:rofl:


Iā€™m very happy to hear your priorities are straight :joy::metal:

On the flip side (pun entirely intended), that looks like it fā€™ing hurts!!!


First one up :partying_face:, and itā€™s a Gabagoo!
And itā€™s not the middle one :wink:

ā€¦ and yes, my finger effing hurts, but ibuprofen and diclofenac gel are helping, and Iā€™ve switched the lot of tasks to the left hand. Itā€™s not the first time the right has been out of commission so Iā€™m pretty ambidextrous, but itā€™s been quite a while, hasnā€™t had serious issues since carpel tunnel surgery half a dozen years ago. Left handed trim jail is gonna suck though.


Oohhhhh oooomph, yeah thatā€™s gonna blow hairy goats, haha.

Diclofenac, I think thatā€™s one of the pain meds Iā€™m on, lol


I understand what you are dealing with. I have arthritis so bad in my hands that if I address one envelope it makes me a cripple for days. Im not even old. I just have a lot of injuries from the past. Also, Your intent to do seed runs is a wonderful gift to the OG community. Thank you. @RainToday :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :rainbow:


Oh man @Magu I expect Iā€™m headed there. I already donā€™t like ballpoint pens because you have to press down to make them write.

Iā€™m excited for the seed runs, I have several projects I want to advance, and if itā€™s for seeds only I can go much faster :grin::green_heart::seedling:


Seedling update:

I donā€™t know why itā€™s always the ones that matter most that sh** happens to. Or maybe thatā€™s just a perception bias. Anyway.
Hereā€™s the Gabagoo, 9 happy seedlings from 10 seeds.

The Man Bear Alien Pig x Double Grape, 3 happy seedlings from 5 seeds.

And the reason I planted those two, Miss Piggy reproduction for @Carty has 1 happy seedling from 10 seeds. It appears something was eating their roots, I dug them up yesterday when they didnā€™t emerge and they look munched, not rotted.

The only good thing is that as an experimenter Iā€™ve kept seedlings alive before with massive root damage. The ticket seems to be high humidity and foliar feeding while they recover.

This time Iā€™m using Rapid Rooters in a little container instead of a sketchy cup over the soil so I can be sure not to have the bad things in there. For the ones without much root left I also put a tiny bit of rooting gel on the stem. They are off center because I used a scalpel to slice a slit into the rapid rooter so it would close up and make good contact to keep them moist. Put them in neck deep for maximum root potential.

Iā€™ll be keeping a close eye on the moisture level. I donā€™t have standing water under the rooting cubes since that seemed like it would be too soggy, but I have the container tipped a bit with a little water on the empty side to add humidity. In nearly the same light level as the happy seedling, which will be functionally less under the lid.

Lastly, here are the Pineapple x Zamaldelica Express, those are mine and I left them a day too long floating so only half have come up, but thatā€™s still plenty. I just want to explore the properties of this cross, and whether it can produce non-herm males.

Got some lovely surprise seed mail, thank you @LoveDaAutos ! :heart_eyes:

@Mad_Barry I did get two envelopes from you, so IOU, hmu any time that Iā€™ve got some seeds you want.

And this is so cute it ought to be illegal. It wrapped around and attacked my foot, so I picked it up, turned her upside down to avoid the pokey bits, and scritched her head - she passed out in moments and I almost died of cuteness overload :rofl:


You mean, it ought to be celebrated?


Harvested the f5 Zamaldelica Express today, she was looking good in spite of a bit of older soil with not ideal nutrients. Held up pretty well to the spider mites and thrips too. I left a little stubby popcorn plant because it looks like Iā€™ve got a true male now, and if so Iā€™m a few days Iā€™ll make some seeds and see if I get lucky and remove the male herm trait.

Most of the Miss Piggy are hanging in there, I think theyā€™re ready for a more normal strength foliar feed.

@Carty 's Beast Mode seeds are browning like hot cakes :heart_eyes::brown_heart: and I pulled a few off to admire. Mom got a pre-cure test smoke of it finally too, and it was excellent, strong abd relaxing and a bit sleepy. The plants have a sweet, rich smell that I just love. No citrus or pine, this is more ripe fruit pie sweet. Nice and sticky.
Thereā€™s something about seed making / end of life in a plant that makes the spider mites go crazy, and then I was late watering and a little drooping, and kablouiey, webs all over. I these actuallu showed good resistance to mites and thrips. Also, in theory epigenetics will result in the plants that grow from this batch of seeds having increased resistances to these and similar pests. Thatā€™s what I say to myself to make myself feel better about how terrible the infestation looks. :rofl:

In other news, my hands were feeling better last weekend so I got out all the stuff for the last of the doors and trim on our salvaged oak kitchen cabinets. I got a little bit started and then I got a cold and a work week, and itā€™s all just sitting there in the kitchen. :woman_facepalming: but hey, at least I wasnā€™t quite stupid enough to lose a finger in the chop saw, my plants are taken care of, the kittens are fed, and no one here is bothered about the kitchen construction zone. :green_heart::brown_heart::green_heart:


Rescue looking good for the Miss Piggy seedlings with the eaten off taproots. 3 had roots out through the rapid rooter cubes today, and after a 3/4 strength foliar feed with Bloom Cityā€™s product plus I added half strength of their foliar silica, all are a nice bright green. I gave the seedlings each a spritz, and the cubes each a full spray. (@Carty :slight_smile: )

So today I mixed Mykos and granular humic acid into the soil and put them back in the pots. I opened the top of their dome a bit the day before yesterday, but I put solo cups with holes in the bottom over them now, I think they should keep the higher humidity for a couple more days at least.

I sprayed all the seedlings with spinosad 3 days ago, and Iā€™ll do it again today, then switch to insecticidal soap for a few days. Starting some beans too for bait plants, and Iā€™ve got basil sprouting in all the large grow bags now.

Check out these 3 - I think I know which one I want to breed with :rofl: but I just moved the one on the right onto a booster so it is closer to the light in case thatā€™s it, it did have lower than optimal DLI. But the DLI on the one in the middle measured the same as the one on the left, and those bags have the same soil except the bottom 3" or so of random re-used garbage soil.

The Gabagoo are looking good :smiley:

@allotment I saw you found the empty spots on the signup for ZE seeds :laughing: totally cool, youā€™ve got to send me your address - thatā€™s why I put ā€œaddress pleaseā€ on the last few blanks - trying to communicate that anyone who adds their name needs to just send their address right then. :grin: :green_heart: Iā€™ve got seeds set aside for those and the other few who didnā€™t send in their address, but Iā€™m not chasing anyone down to give them their free seeds :rofl:


LOL yes I thought that might be the idea. And I intended to PM you. But after signing up I continued to read the thread and then forgot about it. :joy:


Lol!! I shall take that as a complement :grin::rofl::green_heart:

