"Yes, I really do need all these plants." 🤣 Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

Thanks! :rofl::laughing::rofl:


I’m looking at this, and thinking it means that with switching to 12/12 with the lights as the only heat source, my grow room is getting cold enough with high enough relative humidity to make dew form.

Thinking about the math and physics of it is making my brain hurt. But it will make my flower mold, it’s done it before and now with the fancy Govee monitor thingy I think I know why. So I think the solution is to turn the little heater back on.

Any guesses on the minimum temp to set the heater at to prevent night time moisture condensation (dew)?


Cool monitor Rain. 🥸

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Ok wow, that took longer to find than I thought it would, lol. I wanted to share this with ya. :wink:

And here’s a couple of good reads from a great site.


I generally have the opposite problem that you do.


LOL! Thanks.

It gets plenty dry, even overly dry often during the days. When I had the lights on 19/5 a few days ago it was overly dry except if I water a bunch and spray the walls and veg plants and such.

It’s just that when the temperature drops too far, the water can’t hold as much air and condensation forms.

I think that I can set different parameters for the exhaust fan at night, so maybe it can suck out the humid air. I may also put the heater back and set it to 64 or so.


I run my lights at night, to make up for lost heat and major RH fluctuations.


Yeah, that’s a great plan in general. I did it one summer, but now my grow room is attached to my room and I’m still trying to defeat light leaks. I also am not a night person :laughing: and really prefer being able to visit my plants during the day. That’s part of why I prefer autos - I can do whatever I want with their lighting :grin:


Yeah, that drives me nuts too.
I couldn’t access the flowering grow until after 7pm. I’d put the kid to bed, run downstairs to work in the grow, then try to get to bed at a decent hour. But when I had a lot to do, it was difficult. You’d catch me up working in there at 4am on the weekend. Trying to beat lights off at seven, lol.


I’m the same way, my plants sleep when I sleep.


Hey @RainToday @Kasper0909 . What do you both think is better. 1 auto plant in a flower pot or multiple plants in a 5 gallon bucket? :thinking:


How big is the flower pot? :wink: I have some that are 10g :joy:

More seriously, in my experience it depends a lot on the plants’ genetics and on how you plan to care for them.

If you’re just doing organic soil and fertilizer like me and have trouble being perfectly attentive, 2-3 in the bigger pot I expect would be higher yield. If you can be more attentive and do some careful and frequent water and fertilizer you can probably get more out of them in separate pots because they have room for their foliage to spread out.

If it’s those Afghani autos, I have no idea, they seem to dislike me :wink::laughing:


Agreed :+1: :point_up:maybe not the dislike part tho :rofl:
I have a feeling these are extra touchy being f2 and not f1. But I guess there are allot of f2 autos so idk. 🤷


Seeds came today, thank you!


That looks like a Zinc deficiency to me:

You should try to lower that soil pH, really enjoyed your grow diary … beer3|nullxnull


Thank you @George :smiley:
That aligns well with the humic acid helping out, it makes all the nutrients a bit more available. I’ve got some soil acidifier. I’ll put some on my pineapple cross guinea pig plant today :wink:
The gorilla skittlez doesn’t need watered, so in a couple days if it’s going well on the other plant I’ll do her when she needs watered.

Autos really have no mercy :wink::laughing: - gorilla skittlez is still going to grow and fill out quite a bit, but she’s blooming. One little dose of stress and that’s it for veg. :joy:

The pineapple home cross:

The acidifier I’ve got. It says 1 tablespoon per 4" of pot diameter. I’ll start with 1.5x that. My tap water is pH 7, so pH is always drifting up. It’s also full of rust. I’ll try and look up the zinc-iron relationship later.


Might as well add some kitchenscraps too. :slight_smile:


Those go to the worm bin first, but not much on that list makes it in there which also supports the zinc deficiency theory. :green_heart:


Quite a few people have some Woodrose 28 x Grapefruit from me, and I’m excited to say they are showing signs of being a fantastic cross! :heart_eyes::partying_face:

An awesome sweet smell now emanates from them every time I bump the leaves, and the buds are already frosting up at a quite small size. Mostly very uniform growth. This is I think a 25g pot, and if you scroll back up you can find the photos of the 17 or so horribly stunted looking plants I crammed in together from their solo cups because I couldn’t bear to throw out the “losers” when I up potted my favorites. About 12 were girls, they have recovered beautifully, and are going to provide a nice sampling of what the cross produced.

My hope was that with the Grapefruit (a Cindy99 descendant from HomeGrownCannabisCo) being likely quite inbred, with great frost and good growth but only mild flavor, it would allow the sweetness of the “Woodrose” ( a ‘Hindu Kush’ heirloom grown by our friends in Humboldt for over 40 years) to shine through.

Both sets of genetics are reliably highly potent, with the Woodrose showing less of the large trichome “frost” look sought after in modern weed. It must make a ton of the smaller trichomes instead, because it reliably knocks people on their ass. A friend with a lab has offered to test some weed for me, and I am going to try to get him a sample when we visit.

Also, this second Scarlet Grapes is a stunner! Not sure why I love dark green leaves so much, but I really do. :heart_eyes:


Some frosty girls @RainToday nice job on those. I bet they smell fantastic.
Oh by the way nothing in the mail yet… just a fyi…