"Yes, I really do need all these plants." 🤣 Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

Looking beautiful! Those are some stellar looking buds!


Weighed the dried bud from my large pineapple auto today - 4.5oz :star_struck:. Very happy with that. Lovely pineapple smell, great happy pineapple mood lift, medium strength high. I’ve got seeds of it crossed with the Zamaldelica Express to grow, and yesterday I pollinated its impressive reveg branch with the first of the Gabagoo Beast Mode pollen. Going to do that a few more times.

Smoke report on the pretty not-autoflower from Nukeheads that smells of rotten peaches is that it’s pleasant but nothing special. It did start to reveg quite nicely, and now will go on the compost instead. :laughing: I do have seeds on it created by accident which are a cross of it and Zamaldelica Express. If it is half an auto, about half of them will be autos. If anyone wants them lmk. I have lots of things I’m more interested to grow.

Special thanks to @JOHN1234 and @sunra108 for stamps that coincidentally arrived Saturday and today. Greatly appreciated!!

I hope that I have caught up all my mailings today, so if you’re missing something from me that ought to have arrived by now and don’t have a note please do PM me. I’m fine with resending anything I have.


Looking lovely, so lush and verdant. :grinning:


Helluva yield on your large pineapple auto RainToday !
Glad the pineapple terps are in there with the good and happy high :grinning:
I love pineapple terps :blue_heart:


Me too! The pineapple terps have been passed on in nearly all the offspring in all the crosses I’ve made so far, into the f3 generation as well.

I’ve got to get some of these pineapple × zamaldelica Express growing, I have high hopes for them. The pineapple doesn’t frost up until quite late, but the Z.E. do it right away, so hoping that could boost potency. There’s still a bit of a sleepy quality to some of the pineapples which I find undesirable. The Z.E. had a lovely alert high, but none of the sweet terps, and the bud structure could use some chunk IMO. :smiley: So it could be a match made in heaven, depending on what’s dominant in the gene mix. Hoping to have something really delightful in a couple years here. :heart_eyes::green_heart:


I’ve got the stomache flu. All of life is on pause.


Hope you feel better soon @RainToday.

your package came in.thank you


Feel well soon your plants need you :pray:…and mrbee’s doing a skunk giveaway on 25th amongst them is pineapple skunk :yum:


:heart_eyes::seedling: I’ve just set my first ever bookmark with reminder for that giveaway, thank you @globalhead Everyone else will be on a skunk hunt, but I’m on a pineapple hunt :grin::rofl:

Feeling mostly well this morning, time to resume getting road trip together :slight_smile:


Got the plants fixed up & two harvested today :smiley: :green_heart:


Both harvested at 10 weeks, 2 days since seeds went into water. Also both had spider mites all over the leaves that weren’t covered in trichomes, so the pics look extra nice since I stripped the fan leaves for drying this time. Neither plant was trained or defoliated at all.

On the right, fruity & rock-like, with just a very few gold trichomes showing, my recent home pineapple cross, and a handful of ripe seeds I made on it from its sibling. Going to send you some of those seeds @AppalachianBiscuits :grin:

On the left, skunky and rich, harvested with a pile of gold trichomes, my second Scarlet Grapes F2. I saw a delightful touch of purple in her buds, its been in the 50’s in my green room at night. I did solve the dew issue, but just by lowering the humidity so its never humid enough at cold enough temps to create condensation. The purple tinge is a nice bonus. @blowdout2269 @Going2fast

More of the Pineapple cross (child of epic survivor pineapple #123 & a home pineapple cross with some other bits)

I didn’t photograph it, but I did put a measuring tape to it and the Scarlet Grapes was several inches taller. A more impressive looking plant too. The poor pineapple had a serious nutrient issue part way through flower. I’m keenly interested to see the final dried weight of the pair. The scarlet grapes certainly produced a fine harvest, but the absurdly sketchy pineapple may have matched it in weight.


Glad to see you’re hopefully feeling better.
Plants look Amazeballs as usual Rain :star_struck:
Looks like it smells great in there. :pray:t2:


I’m much improved :green_heart: thank you

And wow, yes, it smells amazing in the greenroom, but actually I went out to the yard for some chives earlier, came back in and the heady fresh cannabis smell nearly knocked me out. :rofl: I use the shower in the front bathroom to wash off the plants before drying, and head just finished that but been nose blind to how very strong it was. Now it’s just the whole of the far end of the house that reeks delightfully :grin::heart_eyes::rofl:
That’s why I only want to grow the kinds I enjoy smelling - I don’t have any space to isolate it. :wink:


Friends Visiting Rains House :joy:



You’re killing it! Keep those harvest updates coming.


Great work @RainToday , enjoy your harvest. :sunglasses:


Nice harvest and some healthy colas.:heart_eyes:


That’s some big ladies, thank you for keeping this journal going and sharing all this magnificence!
What a delight!


Looking real good! The scarlet grapes was fun to grow, yours looks nice!


I’m envious of that room! For some reason my wife is against me growing in the house so i can only veg for now until I can convince her. She doesn’t smoke so she could care less about this stuff. Glad to hear your on an upswing. I can’t wait to throw down those Scarlet grapes, they looked great.


@Going2fast can help with that i believe but i think itll be 25% auto, 25% fast, and 50 photo