"Yes, I really do need all these plants." 🤣 Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

I actually was just farting around with a cut when I was trimming. Figured I’d see how the jar of water worked. This root does not seem like it started at a node but right on the stem.


I’ve seen that too, they seem to be like mint and tomatoes, roots will pop out of the stem anywhere.


Zamaldelica Express F4-F5 genetics male herms update -
I’ve now composted a male herm myself. I did up this chart, based on the fact that @islandpreservation has managed to grow full males from my F5s as well as herm males, and no one has seen any issues with the females. I am inferring that the female I used had an X that when paired with the Y of the male interacts to produce male herms. So I charted out how to get rid of it.
@islandpreservation is also planning to cross a full male from them with St. Expeditus females. Hopefully that XY combo doesn’t have the issue at all. Several folks were planning on breeding these, including me, so I hope we can figure this out. Male herms aren’t exactly a critical issue, but they’re not awesome either. I say male herms because the plane I culled in F4 and the one now in F5 looked like full on boys, with just a bit of girl parts at the top.
Here’s my big F5 girl, trucking along in her sketchy soil with no sign of gender issues. I’ve got another girl I stunted horribly amongst the cucumbers. 2" tall and blooming with no male parts.


I swear my mail carrier saves it all up…I only missed pickup yesterday!

Thank you @Orbitalnutria420 @Nugslinger @Wotcha @Carty and my fellow pineapple cross enthusiast from Brazil! Much fun will be had here! :heart_eyes:
The Miss Piggy will hit the water as soon as I get the soil and space fluffed a bit. Seeds on the Beast Mode are already plumping up. :smiley:


Happens to me too, I’ll get 5 envelopes then nothing for 6 days, then I get 8 all the sudden. You’re welcome brother, enjoy!


Much chopping today! :smiley:

Took down all 12 of the one-cola wonders squashed in the big (25g?) pot together. These are the not-Woodrose 28 x Grapefruit that were the horribly stressed rejects from my big grow out. Most of them produced very reasonable colas, with the one in the middle looking the very best, all of them smelled delicious, with a few so exceptionally delicious I’m going to breed a second generation, and see if they’ll reveg.
The largest and one other made a few seeds at the base that are from crossing with the Zamaldelica Express auto. I’m excited to grow those out and take them to an auto generation, the smell is one that just makes me want to roll in the plants like my cats do in catnip!
They stood up well to the spider mites and thrips too.

I also chopped the random bag seed plant - it made some pretty silvery buds, but fell to the spider mites like tissue paper in the rain :joy: dang things even put webs up onto most of the buds, so it won’t be good for anything but edibles.

I cut the pineapple 150 x I don’t know, it’s a decent photoperiod plant with a decent smell. I won’t bother growing more of that cross though.

Took down the first of the Lemon Pie x Ciskei, photos are over on @LoveDaAutos journal - very pretty! Delightful plants. The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023 - #1099 by RainToday

More chopping tomorrow, or a soon as I get time.

New plantings this weekend once I get a bit of fresh soil for the autos.

Got to order some more good bugs too, the bad ones are winning again.


Thatsalottatrimming! I may have mentioned a time or two that I hate trimming! lol


Lol! Totally. The only saving grace here is that I mostly won’t have to. Mom isn’t going to smoke most of it, so I’ll cherry pick some out and then give the rest to friends untrimmed.


Chopped the big afghani from @Kasper0909 yesterday :smiley:
On the early side, but interested to see how the smoke is. Took the other one late, and mum says it’s nice smoke, no extraordinary traits noted, so we wanted to go the other way and compare.

Also harvested the other 4 of the Lemon Pie x Ciskei from @LoveDaAutos , at about 9 weeks flower. All but one at fully cloudy with a little amber. The last one is maybe a bit over 90% cloudy with no amber, so that will provide a nice comparison.
Pictured is the one that had a slightly different, maybe bushier growth pattern. The others are just a little chunkier versions of the first. Gorgeous plants! Lovely lemon pie skunk smells.
Mum sampled a bit of the barely dry not cured first plant & said it was plenty potent, no sleepyness, a very stoney head high.


They all looked pretty similar in their structure. All were in 2 gallon pots?


Yes, I tried to treat them all the same throughout. I did check light levels, and the one that finished first with all the gold had 30-45 DLI & the other 4 had 20-25. I think they preferred the lower light.

Although my favorite 3 in the lower light got set with the feet of their pots in larger pots a few weeks into flower, they didn’t send any roots down. Fascinating to see that some plants actually stop big root growth in flower.


Looks like your harvesting up some nice meds… congrats. LDA shares along some nice gear… running his Bromar atm.

I really appreciate you offering to produce F2 seed stock of the Beast Mode…
and then to agree to add Miss Piggy to the mix… you sir are now part of Team Carty… crap, I’m out of shirts bro… get ya one soon… I’m sharing some Tee’s passed to me by Budman… Carty’s newest sponsor… and I his.


All good, I’m having fun and I have a thing for large autos :star_struck:
I can’t wear any weed t-shirts, our nosy neighbors are in the dark and I want them to stay that way :wink:


I can’t wear any reefer t-shirts either here in my area BUT I did feel like a rebel last fall when I was in lower Michigan for a couple days and wore one. :rofl:


Here is that Zamaldilecta x ? that you sent me. This plant is about 1 1/2 weeks old . I think its going to be a MONSTER. :crazy_face:

Hey Raintoday. I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that was not your plant. 🫣 The good news is that I finally found my eye glasses. :rofl: This is the Zamaldilecta cross that you sent me. It is growing faster than anything else I have going. :heart_eyes:


Wow! :heart_eyes: that’s awesome! You’ve certainly made it happy :green_heart:

I just dropped a new set of auto seeds in warm water this morning. I’ve got the shot glasses sitting on soil and buried under a pile of leaves.

This has been giving me great germination results. I theorize that it might be the gasses coming off of the dying leaves or maybe up from the soil, or both, combined with the temperature being more regular due to the insulation. I plugged in my space heater too.Taking no chances with these, set it to seventy degrees for the night. It’s been down to 58 in there some nights, and that won’t do for seeds. I still have trouble getting the temp I want from a heat mat, so I’m just heating the whole dang little room. :laughing:

@Carty I’ve got your Miss Piggy all in the water, and for insurance I’ve also dropped in 10 regular Gabagoo and the other related thing I had, which is 5 Man Bear Alien Pig x Double Grape. I can’t figure out who sent it to me or who made it, :woman_facepalming: even with some search, but I appreciate their generosity!

Last thing germinating are some seeds I made hitting a gorgeous big fem pineapple auto with pollen from my original Zamaldelica Express male. Finding out whether the males are good or hermies will give me a clue about how to clean up the genes, and I’m excited to see if I get a fabulous result from the cross in other ways.

Last but not at all least, thanks very much to @LoveDaAutos and @Mad_Barry for Beldia, Pineapple Gum, and delightful extras! :green_heart::heart_eyes::star_struck:


@RainToday - I believe those Man Bear Alien Pig x Double Grape seeds came from me during your stop by :grinning:


Im so glad to hear they made it!

Sorry it took a while, I’m guessing the first letter disappeared into the void :black_circle: (great song by the way :wink:)


You’re so right! Thank you :slight_smile: That explains the black permanent marker labeling too, I never do that. :rofl:
Did you make them?


Oh good they got there! Thank you for letting me know.