"Yes, I really do need all these plants." šŸ¤£ Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

Oh yes! I forgot about the nicotine treatmentā€¦it works for various thingsā€¦a friend used it to treat mange i
on a local dog and it worked for a while. I guess there is no permanent solution except runing boiling water through your mediumā€¦I have used that and it works :slightly_smiling_face:


I am not overly happy with the nicotine treatment. If you use it, make sure that you take boiling water to extract the nicotine from tobacco - the tobacco mosaic virus is waiting if you donā€™t. Also, I would prefer a less toxic (to humans) treatment but I have not found anything so far. At least nothing that really works.

Boiling water in soil works. Same as microwaving and baking soil. But I rather avoid that. Because it also kills all the useful life in your soil. But if you want to reuse heavily infested soil it is most probably the only real solution ā€¦


If you are using boiling water IPM has to be introduced after that.
I recently came across the use of Alum (Aluminium potasium silicate) for pest control but havenā€™t done further researchā€¦

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I got 2 females of your zamadelica express growing sprayed 1 with STS so hopefully can make more fem seeds .also sprayed STS on my banana purple punch female and hoping to cross it over the other autos
Double grape
Queens banner
Strawberry banana and


Sorry @RainToday . The Universe culls a lot of my plants too. Although every little seed is precious we can not save all of them. That is the way life happens. The only answer is to plant more seeds. So the fun starts all over again. :grin: :rainbow:


I donā€™t mind losing some seedlings, but less than 50% survival on nicely sprouting seeds is pretty harsh. :face_with_head_bandage: Itā€™s fine for the ones I have hundreds of, but I donā€™t have any faith in the bugs to eat the weakest ones only :wink: and Iā€™ve got several things to run from only a small number of seeds.

About the killing methods, I donā€™t actually know what is eating the seedlings. I guess the smart thing for me to do would be figure that out first. Then maybe thereā€™s a good solution.

The orange peels made me think of this awesome experiment -

Good news on the Zamaldelica Express, @islandpreservation got several full males from the seeds, and Iā€™ve grown one full male from it,

and the Pineapple x Zamaldelica Express f4 cross produced 3 gorgeous manly males,

so Iā€™m reasonably sure the male herms are linked to one of the X chromosomes on the female Z.E. f4 that I used. Iā€™m checking it also by growing some Scarlet Grapes x Zamaldelica Express f4.

I have some f6 Z.E. seeds forming on a girl I used the good male on, but itā€™s only 50/50 whether it will have the bad x, and I wasnā€™t super impressed with the female or male plants, so itā€™s just a side exploration for data, not production of a ā€œcleanā€ Z.E. line.


Can any cannabis silica be used as foliar spray? Amazing work with the plants.


Iā€™m not sure. I would think so, as long as it doesnā€™t have anything in it that would be damaging on the foliage. This is the one I am using - https://www.bloom.city/products/supplement-silica


I should be ok then I think :wink:.


Little rolly pollys are notorious for nibbling seedlings. If youā€™ve noticed any around itā€™s probably them. You can find them at night nibbling.

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Yeah, I baited for the roly polies with potato halves since Iā€™ve had some in there, but none appeared. One very small millipede is all I got. Looking online right now, flea beetles seem the most likely candidate, since the larvae would eat the roots of the germinating seedlings and the adults would make little circular holes in the leaves like Iā€™ve had.

Blargh. I knew I shouldnā€™t have brought anything in once it had been outside. Nor bought stuff at the plant store. Iā€™m working up my nerve for a fresh start, because the current list is:
Spider mites
Brown scale
Aggressive soil fungi
Flea beetle

The beneficials only ever keep it somewhat under control. I will start a clean culture of my soil worms and springtails, and little spiders, and maybe I can save some of the beneficial mites. Not sure which ones they are that got really happy here, but theyā€™re adorable. Seem mostly based in the soil, but they patrol the plants. The springtails are what I think finally ended the fungus gnat issue, probably just by out-competing them.


I feel with you, @RainToday. I am currently combating thrips and aphids - again. The aphids only attack one single canna plant ready for harvest at the moment. But they are all over my chili plants, parsley and dill.

I kill them with homemade nicotine spray. But the aphids keep popping up again after a few days in the fresh shoots. As long as I find them early enough they donā€™t really pose a problem. The thrips are currently attacking one single cannabis plant. I donā€™t know if I successfully eradicated them ā€¦ fingers crossed.

On a much brighter note: I received your Zamaldelicas today, @RainToday. I am very grateful and will grow them early next year. For this year it is too late since I have too many plants anyway.


Some really beautiful Highbiscus !!! Plants


Hey @RainToday . I was able to reverse one of those Zamaldelicta that you sent me by using homemade colloidal silver. I could not get a good picture to show you but I will try again today. I was able to reverse one of @Kasper0909 afghani autos as well. That picture turned out a little better. I hope they both live long enough to make viable seeds. :rainbow:


Well now i seen this i hope i get a flip to keep the secret ! Signed p dummy ! Hahahha


Lol! Youā€™ve already got some of the Zamaldelica Express, will have to think about what to bribe you with. :wink::rofl:

@Magu thatā€™s really cool!! Hope they make you seeds. If not and you want to try again just hit me up. :slight_smile:


:face_with_monocle::face_with_raised_eyebrow::hushed: There appear to be dead fungus gnats stuck to the underside, and a couple to the top, of my green bean leaves.

I have one theory. The oscillating fan is really close, and the bean leaves have seriously spiny hooked hairs / trichomes. Perhaps the gnats get blown into them and their wings get stuck?

These beans deserve an award if so. Already doing their ā€œbait plantā€ job collecting thrips and flea beetle damage, now theyā€™re killing fungus gnats too? :hushed:


Are these plant something your testing in the garden ? Question 2 , there is plants that are imune to insects how come seed makers dont try to make this pheno in a cross or is this possible ?

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Very interesting, green beans for the win!


Iā€™m growing the green beans indoors with my pot plants :slight_smile:

Some plants are more insect resistant, but I donā€™t know of any immune. Some people do try to breed for resistance. Thereā€™s also some evidence that having the parent plant attacked by the insects will cause epigenetic changes that make the offspring more resistant. So my seeds should be great, since I have so many dang pest insects :wink: