"Yes, I really do need all these plants." šŸ¤£ Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

Do you grow the beans so bugs go to them first or cause of symbiotic relationship between. Of course you could just like beans I guess lol.


This is it - [quote=ā€œ420noob, post:501, topic:126771ā€]
grow the beans so bugs go to them first
The thrips mildly prefer green beans to cannabis so far, so they lay their eggs in the bean leaves. I take all the mature leaves off the beans every few days and that reduces the thrips population.

The amount of nitrogen a few beans produce is negligible compared to what the cannabis needs, so I donā€™t choose them for my grow bags because of that. :slight_smile:

Beans are susceptible to many of the same diseases as cannabis, so in my opinion theyā€™re not an ideal companion. But so far they are the only thing that drew the thrips. Suggestions welcome for other plants - ideally ones that grow fast, seed is cheap, and they donā€™t bother the cannabis.

So far basil is an outstanding companion plant, but the thrips donā€™t prefer it. Iā€™ve also grown tomatoes, peppers, phacelia tanecetifolia, thai lime, grains, and dragonfruit. Thrips chose #1 beans, #2 cannabis & sweet basil, #3 peppers & dragonfruit. They didnā€™t touch the other plants.


Yarrow, oregano, and stinging nettle can increase resin and essential oils in cannabis. There are a few more that I cant remember. I am growing in an established onion and garlic bed because they use the same fungi as cannabis. :rainbow:


Is this grown as a companion plant to assist with these productions? Just for brevity for myself @Magu


Thats very interesting i will have to look that up i love funny facts ! If you have more iam always listening cheers share a smile there free !


Luckily for me, Iā€™m disabled, 61 and no longer give a flying crap what others thinkā€¦ so I wear mine proudly and loudlyā€¦ have some hats otw now tooā€¦ few fishing hats and baseball style. weā€™ll see just what arrives to share.

www.budman420.com is my new partner. Cartyā€™s Collective Crosses will be introduced soon on his siteā€¦ he has a gathering in the NE on July 6thā€¦ he has 600 pucks to sell, our first test.

Rain Today is just 1 of 4 breeders making all this possibleā€¦ Rain & Draig have both mailed out the seed stock they did so Purple Beast, Beast Mode F3, and others in stock soonā€¦ the GDP x BM I have big hopes forā€¦ and WW x BM soonā€¦ White Beast.


I have grown those herbs in pots with cannabis plants and it does increase resin. ( in my opinion). The plants ouside in the onion and garlic bed is a new idea Im trying and it seems to be working very well. The onions and garlic have grown there for several years so the soil is full of beneficial fungi.


Wow that is so fuckin interesting ! I love this shit ! If you dont mind me asking like this guy up here says hes 61 how old are you or better yet how long you been growing is this kind of what you and grandma did for fun thats what started me my hold on my grand i found my anxiety was always in control when i was in the garden !


Tell the truth have you really ever seen crap fly ! I


I am 57. I started smoking at 14 and I was growing plants before I turned 15. So I have been growing about 43 + years. I fought the ā€œ War on drugsā€ through all the bad years. We won! Germinating a seed is as close as you can get to being like God. :grin: :rainbow:


I am also 57 and I too strarted smoking at 14ā€¦and still fighting the war on drugs :slightly_smiling_face:

Hell ā€¦we young man :+1:


I donā€™t know about @Carty , but I have actually seen crap fly :rofl::laughing::rofl:
:arrow_down:-----poop story-----:arrow_down:
When I was a teenager, my younger sister and I babysat my baby brother for the first time. We were so proud, and then when it came time to change his diaper we were so focused, holding his feet up out of the way, remembering to hold a diaper over the top in case of fountainsā€¦ You also need to know that just a couple steps to the right of the changing table were the mirrored closet doors. Right in the middle of the process he scrunched his little face up and squirted poo all the way to the mirror. It ran all down and into the door tracks. And thatā€™s when I saw crap fly, and learned it makes a spectacular mess. :rofl:


The copprophobic in me is terrified of this, however a dark sense of humour is totally overpowering that :joy::joy::rofl::rofl:

Thatā€™s so nasty :rofl::nauseated_face::rofl:.


I bet you wouldnā€™t try that now ! Things that sit in our memories that make us smile when we think of then ! And i just got to say talking of funny stories . Everyone talking about smoking ,i remember the order of the day from your parents ( you had to go to the store ? What do you need ? Bread , milk , cigarettes! And the gave you 2.00 $ and i cant say when i started smoking but i can say i took 4 friends with a nickel each to get a pack !


@Magu , @Carty,@THCeed since you dont give a fruck ! I will invlude you for you sound advice i hope you will share with me . I dont usually have issueā€™s but this one is got me . Just to put you in the loop this is killer koffee 6 week in flower she has killer size the full manora look as you can see but the buds are tiny as fuck ! Have any of you grown this plant or one with this look now i dont do much more than usually let the plant just grow but it getting on in time and im starting to worryoh sorry sorry thank you much for any help you can provide ! If you look at my latest pictures you can see this plant very well i forgot to take one at the time i ask the question sorry i will post another later but the one in the post is only i believe three days old


I have not grown that plant. First check if it is getting enough light. Then check to see if it is getting proper nutrients. Also you can post your plant on your own thread for the community to look at. I do not want to highjack this thread because @RainToday has her own buisiness to tend to. :grin: :rainbow:


I forgot iwas not on my thread sorry i didnt take a pick it is however over on Fibro myalgia is were i do my posting great new picture of my tent and the plant on question


Can you link me?

No worries @Thetravler Iā€™m not territorial :wink: happy to see your plants wherever the conversation happens to be happening.
They look fine to me, the more sativa-ish varieties Iā€™ve grown started out like that, with small buds spaced far apart. Iā€™d expect them to put plenty of weight on the buds in the next few weeks.

@AppalachianBiscuits here you go:
Fibro myalgia - #287 by Thetravler

And thanks for caring and trying to keep things on topic @Magu :green_heart::seedling::green_heart: even if I donā€™t mind, in the end itā€™s certainly easiest to read old threads when things are in one place. :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome to OG @mimi :slight_smile:

At least, I hope - this seems to be a copy-paste from one of my posts - can you share something about yourself?