"Yes, I really do need all these plants." 🤣 Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

@matos420 , delighted to hear you took the Zamaldelica Express to f6, how did they do? Make any fun crosses?

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Ah my poor abused plants :laughing:

Also, the Pineapple x Zamaldelica Express smell like heaven. Oily resin-covered pine-citrus heaven. The ZE seems dominant mostly in this f1. I’ll have to grow them again to make an f2 and see what fun emerges. :smiley:
I uprooted the one plant on the lower left a few weeks ago so I could put its 30g pot outside. It carried right on making seeds. :rofl:

The crossy cross has gotten a little frost, and a very pungent smell. I think its fair to say she’d be great seedless, but is one that won’t frost up when seeded.


Fancy tech! Looks like some wild swings in there. 90 degrees?

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That’s where I did this at WMU but this was late 90s :rofl:


Yeah, poor things, 23 degree temperature swings. I refuse to pay to AC or heat my grow room except when all I’m doing is waiting for seeds to mature. The plants seem fine. There’s even volunteer seedlings growing happily in the grow bags :woman_shrugging:


I actually was going to cross it with double grape but in the end I decided not to , currently working on reproducing black frost from Coalition Seed co.

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Yea I splurged for a portable ac unit for my room a few years ago. But I never use it cause I cant justify the power draw.

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Giant pumpkin success happy dance there’s at least 6 successfully pollinated and growing now. This one is the largest. The vines reach over 30’ from one end of the garden to the other, and have buried everything but the tall stuff. :rofl: Perfect for this year when I was too tired to plant any other annuals.

Also, these are amazing bee food. Vastly more than I expected. They seem to have endless wells of nectar in the female flowers, and there’s actually a decent amount of pollen on them when the male flowers open, I just didn’t realize at first because the bees strip nearly all of it in the first couple hours. :rofl: I think those are honey bees in there mostly.


Maaaan, Charlie Brown is going to have a great time in your punkin patch this year! :grin::metal:

Its so cool to see the bees work their magic… Nature is so awesome.


Congrats on a successful breeding!


Hey that’s cool you got your pumpkins to flower. How many pounds will a big one be fully grown?


I have no idea :grin::heart_eyes:
This is the same the Atlantic Giant variety which produces the thousand pound plus competition winners, but people go to extremes to accomplish that.

With my more LITFA approach I’m hoping for beachball size or about 50 pounds a pumpkin, and will be ecstatic and very surprised if any get larger than that. I suppose it’s possible though - they appear to be adding at least an inch to their diameter every day and we ought to have another 40 days of growing season at least, maybe 60, and then some ripening. :slightly_smiling_face:
I’m trying to be strategic about where they are growing so they can be good yard decorations without having to be moved. :rofl:


You can carve them already now, it’ll form scar tissue.
I guess you could get away with it when not going deeper than like a slice from a potato peeler.


I’ve been thinking about tracing my 2 year old and not-yet-month-old nephews first initials on two of them next time the 2-year old is here. He’s crazy about letters, and knows just about all of them. I think he’d love it. With how soft their skin is, way more than usual pumpkins, I wouldn’t even carve I think just trace it with a toothpick to bruise it. But they’re so lovely just the way they are, I hate to touch them. We’ll see how it feels in the moment :slight_smile:


Whichever sparks the most joy! :sparkles:

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Good memories are harder to grow than pumpkins, but last much much longer.


That sounds like the prices buddy was trying to charge me when I was down in Cancun in February. $60 usd -1/8th. I was like ill keep my money and think of this as a break.


That’s been street value for good bud my whole life. Not any cheaper at the dispensaries here either. I have better connections now but since growing my own starting last year I can’t imagine paying that regularly.


I can’t imagine how potheads today that don’t grow their own can support their habit if they smoked as much as I did back in the 70s. I worked at a grocery store full time and part-time for UPS and took home under $200 a week. I was 17 at the time living on my own, rent was cheap but took a good chunk of my paycheck. Every Friday I would visit my guy and spend $120 for a QP and sell three zips for $40 apiece to the same three guys. I don’t recall ever hearing any strain names mentioned, you got what he had and liked it.


I can tell you being in-between crops right now has got expensive. Wife consumes about 6-8 oz a month and often goes to the dispo when im out of town (which is a lot) for work and from adding up the monthly total it works out to be $700-900. Not sustainable IMO. Luckily we Both have good jobs.

It pains me for her to go there as its poor quality, old, terp dead of they add terp to shitty flower.

I grow to try and avoid this and I just LOVE cannabis