"Yes, I really do need all these plants." šŸ¤£ Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

I think I have caught up! If I missed you, please do remind me.
In this batch: @luxton @harveest @Bort
@LoveDaAutos @Ris @ix3u @Thetravler @JerBear @420noob @Neoangelo147 (but need your address again please)

@Carty yours will take longer - the dried plants in these bags all need separated from their seeds before I can mail them, but they do exist! :wink:

Sacrificial seedlings and hopefully a bunch of pest eggs are going in the green waste bin today.


Sending my best well wishes for mom. Alz is a bitch. Runs in my family
Hoping for amazing things from her drug trial!
Also great work re-kajiggering your room. Exciting new possibilities are on the horizon!


Pumpkins looking awesome. I think I tried an Asian pear once but it was in a shape of an apple.

Edit: have you tried drafting cannabis strains before?

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Yeah, most Asian pears are apple shaped :slight_smile: and I love them. Like the best aspects of pear and apple combined in one fruit :heart_eyes:

I havenā€™t done any cannabis grafting, so far Iā€™ve had too many pest issues to keep any moms alive, and havenā€™t had a reason to try it. The ones Iā€™ve seen look really cool, so do the cannabis bonsai :star_struck:


How is your mom doing? Did the spray I sent you do anything for the mites?


Hey Miss Rainy! :smiley:, hope you are well these days- just wanted to share that Iā€™ve grown out all the pineapple crosses you sent- they were great - last batch is blooming now!


@BigDaddyDrew Just popped over to your log and saw the old pineapple pics - nice chunky finish in spite of the stunting, great to see! Saw your note too, glad life is going better for you. Your new plants look lovely. :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for growing out my seeds! Iā€™m happy to send you more, and I do have some indica-leaners around. The only heavy indicas in my tub right now are for a seed run, but Iā€™ll send you some that go in that direction. :slight_smile:

@LoveDaAutos mom is doing fine, she had her hand and elbow surgery yesterday to treat carpel tunnel and trigger finger. I am moving slow on green room revival, still at the ā€œsacrificial trap plantā€ stage, so I havenā€™t sprayed anything with anything yet.

The legumes broke ground yesterday or the day before, so Iā€™ll give them a few days then pull up and compost, and yesterday I planted a bunch of unknown cannabis seeds in a few spots. Those will be pulled also once they are a few days old. This weekend I plan to soak seeds for plants Iā€™ll actually keep, and will use your spray to defend. :slight_smile:


Strawberry shortcake :cake: stickers! :star_struck:


I will be happy to take anything indica that you can offer. Just let me know and I will PM you deets. TY


Trap legume crop showed some thrips damage, and I pulled it this morning. The tops will be delicious in some stir fry later. :wink:

The trap / soil tester cannabis seeds just came up, and are looking great. Iā€™ll let them grow a few more days to collect pest eggs and confirm this soil mix is ready for incoming plants. Then itā€™s compost time for them and Iā€™ll start some real seeds. :grin:
(Iā€™m planting another round of peas now though, I expect there are still pests to be lured to their doom.)

I got accepted for the Seedsman Wedding Cake comparative grow, and will link to a separate journal for that when I get the seeds. :smiley:


Canā€™t wait for what the future holds for this grow! Good luck @RainToday

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These arrived today and Iā€™m just blown away. Thank you so much @RainToday


Just passing on some :green_heart::seedling::green_heart: from other folks, alongside enough of mine for you to be selective among the seedlings. :slight_smile:
Glad to see I seem to have remembered your interests correctly. :v::green_heart::seedling:


Congrats on the seedsman grow!


I was curious to see the seedsman wedding cake grown out happy you got it. Very nice


It will be fun :slight_smile: although given the name I may be unable to resist some sort of post-harvest photo stunts involving a Costco cakeā€¦:wink::rofl::rofl:


I think wedding cake is truly the ā€œromance strainā€ itā€™s very nice to have around


OMGā€¦ your setup is incredibleā€¦ Iā€™m a very lucky guy to have you working my Miss Piggy. I just started use Char myselfā€¦ says to put a small amount near the root baseā€¦ what % do you mix it into your soilā€¦ mine only recommends 1% but to put a small amount at root base toā€¦

I also added Worm Castings on this grow mixed in with Coir and perlite.

I am so impressed with everything you do and share. Thank you for being apart of Miss Piggyā€¦ youā€™ve done so much.


@Carty :green_heart: honestly Iā€™ve no idea what percent of my mix is char - thereā€™s a small % of actual ā€œbiocharā€ included in the KIS soil mix which is maybe 30% of my total soil in the bags. What I just added was about a cup of ash & coals from my fireplace per 10 gallons of soil mix. Its from burning regular wood along with my old cannabis stems, so maybe extra good as a trace nutrient source, but not yet inhabited by microorganisms. Iā€™m thinking Iā€™m far from 1%, so maybe Iā€™ll just add it in all over again. :grin:

@MikeyMeteor it sounds lovely :slight_smile: Iā€™ve mostly been focused on sativas lately, but this sounds lovely and its always to have some variety around.

@Gato thanks for the well-wishes :smiley: I am excited too! Always fun to have a fresh start, once the work is done :wink:


Sweet, congrats!!!

I hope your thrip nightmare is over!! I figure Iā€™m close to $300 in mites and what-not, trying to kill these lil buggers!! I think I may finally be (mostly) in the clear