"Yes, I really do need all these plants." šŸ¤£ Autoflowers, photoperiods, bugs, breeding (journal)

Iā€™m sure the war isnā€™t over, I had it down to no pests for over a month last time. This time Iā€™m going in for the long haul. Trap plants will continue and once I have cannabis I want in there theyā€™ll get sprayed with rotating organic pesticides until flower, then Iā€™ll order 1,500 ladybugs again. Iā€™m going to stick it out for 4 pest-free months this time before I relax. I just found brown scale on one of the living room houseplants too, so thatā€™s got to get treated. Fortunately itā€™s a waxy leafed plant, so I can spray it with rubbing alcohol without damaging it. That works great.


How many of the Wedding Cake seeds you going to grow?

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They said theyā€™ll send 5, I said Iā€™ll sprout them all and cull any that donā€™t grow awesomely. They accepted that plan.
I do have room to flower all 5 if they are all awesome. Itā€™s a pet peeve of mine that cannabis is just about the only plant for which we expect to purchase seeds and have every single one produce a great plant. Thatā€™s just not realistic. Itā€™s high on my list of thoughts when I see high seed prices for single seeds. Selling a single seed is ridiculous IMO. I have actually bought one a couple times, had one replaced when it was a dud, but I still think itā€™s a bad practice.

Iā€™m figuring out what else to grow right now, and what to start. I want to get some photoperiod babies going right after the big seedling hunt for size outliers amidst the Miss Piggy crosses. I do have 4-6 Miss Piggy F2 seeds to grow out this run. Thereā€™s room for one more variety in there I think. Maybe some of the BB#3 from Night Owl. Or your strawberry pie Ɨ killer sativa thing - I forgot the exact cross, and also forgot if its an auto / photo :woman_facepalming: must look at my seeds unless you remember. And I always love to throw in a pineapple auto. Or something purple.

The photos I want to start next are sativas. The Ciskei from you is top of the list, but I might go with the Ciskei crosses first to find the autos and make seeds. I need to make a chart of times and breeding plans so I donā€™t make pollen at the wrong moment. :joy:


Hey, I wanted to let you know about the disposition of that batch of seeds-- the last 10 seeds or soā€¦3 turned up malesā€¦ 4 were normal autos-- last two in pics below.(they both smell of pinapple) Butā€¦ I have two others (pic) that seem to be photo plants- just FYI-- The chunky girl is a mini monster- all colas and thick! :wink:


Damn! Those are nice looking plants. :grin:


Thanks very much for the info and results pics! Things were kind of wild early on in pineapple-experiment-land, Iā€™ve stopped sending the original seeds out because I realized I need to do a large planting to weed out all the photoperiod accidents.

Iā€™ve also purchased more fem pineapple autos so I plan to grow some of those at the same time and breed the most promising males back to them. I really like the looks and smell of the Pineapple x Zamaldelica Express also, though I havenā€™t had a chance for anyone to test smoke any.

Hoping to add that into the mix in another generation. Aiming for a nicely sativa-type, fruity, strong, ā€œhappyā€ high from plants with great adaptability based on high genetic diversity.


Wow! Those are amazing!! :+1::+1:


I really dig all the different colours :ok_hand::metal:


Thank you!!


Thank you my friend for the Zamaldelica x pineapple auto regs. Found them in my PO Box today.


New round of trap plant cover crop is popped up, and Iā€™ve pulled all but a couple late-sprouting sacrificial nameless cannabis seeds. The little bouquet has nobly perished in defense of future seedlings. RIP my seedlings, and may the pests go with you.

(They do look pretty good I think :smiley: so Iā€™m feeling happy with the soil mix).


If you need volunteers Iā€™m always available!:rofl:. Seeds landed today thanks again!

What has happened I used to grow alright autos with the occasional stellar one now I canā€™t seem to get them over 6 inches!:sob:. These seeds will help with that hopefully!


Check out the just emerged lady bugs.


We have @RainToday :partying_face: not something we get often so quite appropriate when scrolling through your thread.

Nice setup you have it must be a joy to play around in. Iā€™m very excited about breeding myself and it has been a pleasure to see your work. It must be a proud moment to see the plants grown by other members and get positive reactions.

I donā€™t have much experience with Autoflower but itā€™s always interesting to see how they preform. Working on Autoflower lines and reducing the ruderalis part is something that I like seeing.

Somewhere above I read that you got some Beldia, do you have specific plans for this?

Best wishes for your mom :pray:


Miss Piggy is a strain Iā€™ve worked since 2008 or soā€¦ Rain crossed it to the Zamaldelica Pineapple and itā€™s actually called

Miss Piggy Pineapple F1ā€¦ these are first time crosses and need good testing, and as you can see she produces some big seedsā€¦ Thank you Rain for all your hard work on herā€¦ I sure hope she tests well as her Mom grows.


Thatā€™s a beauty bud!! Iā€™m always open to testing :grin::metal:


What he said :point_up_2:t5: always down for some testingā€¦ :palm_tree:

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