It's allll about humidity

Hey there!

I just noticed this article on the need for dehumidifiers in your grow room. I hadn’t really considered this before now but I’m assuming the larger the plant count, the greater the need and I’m clearly not there yet.

In my 8th floor apartment grow room, dryness is the issue not humidity. Because of this, I do see that my seedlings could be more bountiful and could grow faster.

Before writing for a humidity control company (Boveda) I only ever thought about humidity as it pertained to the fuzzyness of my hair. But now I see that it has to do with so much in life and its effects are getting more obvious and troublesome as our climate shifts and changes.


interesting…so you’re living a humidity-centric lifestyle now! :smile: It’s true though, for me it was reading some of the newer horticulture guides - specifically for cannabis - that made me realize ideal humidity is higher than I thought.

for example look at Lumigrow’s guidelines I posted recently - they would have you run humidity during flower over 60% if possible, and higher during veg… In your apartment you might notice humidity rising as the plant canopy becomes larger. The transpiration is an effective humidifier. You may only need a humidifier during early veg.

another one…Fluence:


I live in the desert, so I have the opposite issue. I use an ultrasonic fogger on a Inkbird humidity controller.


I run a humidifier in my veg tent, one in the flower side, a dehumidifier outside the tent and a portable ac unit outside the tent also. I don’t even look at how much the electric bill is anymore lol! Try googling vpd (vapor pressure deficit). That might help you out a bit when it comes to humidity and temperature correlation.


This is very interesting, because my current grow is booming and the humidity has been higher that I generally try to run. Thanks for the info, I’m gonna run with it.


@riahgorl_1 Im dealing with the same thing right now with a Dehuey running constantly. The weather around here has been so sporadic lately and instead of getting that nice summer heat we’ve been getting extra cool days / nights with added rain to boot!


Thanks for that @Muleskinner. Apparently my RH is not as bad as I thought. I can accomplish 50% in flower with a little effort.

Vacplus Moisture Absorber Packets, Fragrance Free(5 Pack), Humidity Packs, Hanging Closet Dehumidifier Bags,


I’ve got a feeling those little hanging pouches will be no match for Texas summer!


Thats a decent humidity level for flowering… Not optimal, but acceptable. You’ll be fine… Good luck buddy! :slight_smile:


i run an exhaust fan in my flower tent and it generally stays around 50% on it’s own … i dont exhaust my veg tent and it can get pretty humid in there … i don’t track RH/temp but the walls are wet some days


Yes, very much humidity-centric :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


I only get dripping humidity in my seedling/clone tent.
Mainly because I don’t run an exhaust in there but I’m gonna start.
Think I’m going to a big computer fan.
Change my fresh to come into the side instead of top down.
Then build a frame for one of those fans they put into puters for the top.

The only time I ran into mold was when I was taking clones in, that’s when I was introd to the Borg.
Never in damn near 4 decades did I have problem with either of them till I dabbled in clones.
I believe mites weaken the plant to allow mold to take hold.


Isnt it weird how our cannabis plants grow thinner leaves when the humidity is low… And thick ass blades when the humidity is high, like when its raining for an extended time… I guess Im too stoned… Racing thoughts… HaHa

Have a great evening folks. :slight_smile:


I like Sativas too. Onward my brother!



I’ve only just noticed how much nicer greenhouse grown tomatoes are compared to mine!!!

So yes, it’s allll about humidity :slight_smile:

And … ahem … never too high brother.

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IMHO, I like the ambient temp of 75-85 when growing quality cannabis… Anything lower, or higher(temp wise) and ill see the growth rate stall… High humidity during veg always makes my plants more bushy, and alive with hand sized leaves, and just the reverse when its too dry out… But, when the humidity dips in flowering, it makes the buds ooze with that goodness that we all desire… Pro’s and con’s, ya know… Tomatoes grown around a higher humidity level seem to ripen quicker, and juicier, and less blossom end rot. Tomato Plants need their cool down periods as well, days without sun is “ok” … Last but not least, I believe all plants need their rest as well. @oleskool, your right, its that Sativa smoke that makes me think a touch too much… haha Thinking is good. But, too much, and Im paranoid. LOL :fearful:


@Boveda.Info" “ahem … never too high brother.” I like that, I like it alot! (Jim Carey voice)

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@ReikoX Hey brother, I love those devices! … Works really well for rooting clones as well… Have a nice day! :sunglasses:

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Good day @legalcanada! I’m curious as to why you don’t exhaust your veg tent. Is it that it’s not necessary or just one less fan to run? Thanx bro in advance…


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