It is some kind of bug in the system that has no complete fix. You will need to reset your fire stick, hold the select and play buttons for 10 seconds and a prompt will come up asking if you want to reset. Select yes and that should clear the bug for now.
some time ago they started embedding the ads inside the content to get around it. i just fast forward.
Same, Firefox is the best browser by far. The Adblock Plus extension works great. I get maximum one second of ads and then it skips them automatically.
I like Opera better for Android though.
I don’t understand why people use Chrome, it’s programmed to spam you with extra ads.
No way I’m ever giving Youtube any money for a subscription with all the censorship they’re doing.
Are you sure "developers work by love to the art"?
I’m pretty sure they work for money – just like everyone else.
just sayin
Sure you are reading well, but fail with understanding.
But as I am spanish, and sometimes things are not understand as they are intended, I will explain:
This is the paragraph that I wrote:
Here I am talking about the people wanting things for free, or offended when someone want to earn something for a service that they offer.
I try to make clear that all the infraestructure is not for free. It costs money. And with a little sarcasm I say the same about the Developers involved.
Ummm… Perhaps my fault, it should be more clear if I redacted this way:
The servers cost nothing, the software cost nothing, the developers work by love to the art…
Anyway it should be clear with the final phrase, where I talk about the people only giving credit to their own jobs and thinking that the rest of the people jobs doesn’t need to cash out.
So sorry for not stating it very clear, as I said I’m spanish and perhaps something got lost in translation.
Servers & software cost money???
Thank you Piter. Your insight has completely changed my perspective.
(sarcasm is fun)
all you have to do is log out.
I find some channels post more ads than others
Some channels seem to post NO ads that I can recall. BuidASoil comes to mind, I don’t think I’ve ever had a view interrupted by, or starting with an ad
Weed or weed adjacent content is not adsense or payment processor friendly.
I use brave browser for ad block, and when they figure out how to end that, I’ll download videos via yt-dlp and watch them that way.
Fuck google.
I use the browser add on called ublock origin.
When YT updates the ads, ublock updates too within 30 minutes.
Its not owned by any big company and they dont take donations.
Highly reccomend