Free beer & hookers

Hahhahaha, ok now that I got your attention…

I"m pretty new here, but I have a great passion for growing this wonderful plant as all of you do too, or else you wouldn’t be here right?
This forum that was created for us with said passion, is the best forum I have been on. There’s not a shit load (any) adverts like on it like every other forum. There’s no drama, no yappy kids, people don’t shoot down others ideas or any of that other garbage that you find on other forums.

This place has a very relaxed atmosphere, where we can come here and chill, discuss, help others, get help, and show off our hard work that we put into our grows. With loads of VERY knowledgeable people that are willing to help. I’m proud to make and call this place home.

So with that said, let’s get down to the meat and potatoes of this thread…

I think we all would like to continue to have unlimited uploads, no adverts and no companies force feeding their products down our throats.
Once you have companies in the mix, things start to change, as in…not being able to say things about their products as freely as one would like, giving the mods more work to do really…

So to keep the unlimited uploads, no ads and not having sponcered companies (product companies, not sponcered breeders), we should all come together as a community and run this independently within ourselfs. Don’t you like the sounds of that? A dedicated forum for growers, run by growers and supported by the grower members of the forum. I know I sure do. I don’t know if there is or was another forum that has done this, but I haven’t heard of one…

I have been informed by Joe, that it costs $600 USD to run this forum per month. As of now, the amount of member contributions is around $250 and change…so that leaves us with about $350 more to come up with per month.
Now that number may look daunting, but…it would only take 35 people to donate a mere $10 per month to keep this forum thriving, with like I said, unlimited uploads, NO ads or product companies pushing their products on us…
I’m sure we can find 35 people to chuck $10 a month if not more… shit, we are infact growers lol, sell a couple buds and there ya go…

Now, to get to the rewards of becoming a sponsor…
At $10, you get a sponsor badge, and a user title of your choosing (underneath your name)
As well as you all know there are some FANFUCKINGTASTIC breeders up in this bioch.
There are sponsored seed run give aways that your are entered into. Which is absolutely AWESOME!!! These breeders don’t play around and produce FIRE genetics, which they share with you for helping out the site, so it’s a win, win.

Now for the $20 a month, you get all the above, PLUS after 12 months you get a package full of seeds and whatever else these gracious peeps decide to put in there. Which I think is the best bet. You get seeds from seed runs, plus every 12 months you get ANOTHER package full of goodies… you can bet Scarlett Johanson’s sweet ass I signed up for that one! !!
If you think $240 a year to support your favorite grow site and get a shit load of fire genetics, just think on how many packs of seeds you could buy with that from some seed vendor, I’m guessing 2-3 maaaaybe 4?

So all in all…I just really would love to see this place run and supported by it’s own members with, unlimited uploads, no ads or outside help from companies, just here to try and sell their products.

Here’s the link for Patron: | creating 2.0 | Patreon

Thanks for your time, and hope we can be self sustaining and OVERGROW the companies…

Peace, HaRdRoC out…, (drops the mic)


I’d like to see more sales of donated seeds to support OG. The last one sold out in a heart beat. This is the best MJ site on the net. With the best members. I fully agree with everything you have said here


hahahahha yes it sure did, I was lucky to find that thread when I did, and was able to grab a few packs, still waiting on them though, damn Canada Post sucks ass…


Yeah I missed out ffs. I think we should be able to raise all the costs every year with those seed sales.


Yes, post any and all ways we can think of, to raise $ for our home.


I’ve been thinking about this. @LemonadeJoe, is there any way we can have a donation tracker on the main page or something? Kind of like how wikipedia does occasionally. I’m hoping to be able to contribute soon myself. This last year has been a bitch financially. Hoping over the course of the next month to get back on track.

I really wish I was better off financially, I would just drop the money for a year. It sucks seeing these unprofessional companies come in here and cause a ruckus. There’s far too many highly intelligent members here for their bullshit to fly. All that’s going to come of the sponsorships is running off members and the sponsors themselves (wouldn’t be surprised if megacrop jumps ship).


I’m all for what you guys are talking about.
Doing some seed runs with a suggested donation would be a great way for breeders and growers to support the community we love.
I don’t mind the sponsors if they stay in the sponsors section to talk about there products and answer questions. I think the problem I have is when I see one posting on grow journals and stuff when it adds nothing to the discussion or worse bashing someone for using a competitors product. That said, I think most of our sponsors have been great! Some just do giveaways and everybody likes that! I think the worst is a newer sponsor that has been driving many of us crazy


We could also look into cheaper hosting. I’ve done quite a bit of web related stuff over the years, and $600 a month seems a bit high for a (relatively) low traffic site like this. Maybe there’s a better provider option out there that could really cut costs.

If anyone has any stats re traffic/bandwidth usage I can look around and see what might be out there.


I put the threads of one of the newer sponsors on mute, just because I can’t even stand seeing the name.

The suggested donating on seed give aways is a good idea.


The traffic, bandwidth and storage is just one part of what we at OverGrow need from a host but in my mind the most important part is security and that part should not be disclosed to anyone even us.
That would be like a bank giving out the safe code to customers to prove it is secure.


High security standards are possible with pretty much any host. Of course that is of the utmost importance!


Exactly. That is why we are running on dedicated bare metal exclusively for purpose of OG. I would never use shared hosting for this type of site. We have our own server on colocation. Nobody except me and my sysadmin has access to the server.


I like to hear that joe :+1:. You get it. Came from that era of paranoia and we for sure need a separate server.

I think the best way to tackle this is to be as transparent as possible. How many donors are providing that $$. A tracker as mentioned above for the shortfall would be great.

It’s simply about working together. It’s a lot easier to rally a willing community then to track down “sponsors” etc… I believe the core is here to keep this place running.

And that damn server sale was amazing!!! Let’s do more of that shit hahah


I agree. We should have another server sale. All these seeds we get for free it wouldnt hurt to do a seed run and even just charge 10 to 20 bucks a pack to support this site. I for one would have no problem paying that. Seems like a no brainer.


Yeah maybe open a section for our breeders where they can list strains they created that can be sold and proceeds go towards the sites up keep.


Yup. Especially for a dedicated server. A lot of times it’s requiring physical access that drives up the cost of co-location. We used to host in Las Vegas and dedicated was fairly cheap but there was no physical access without a 1600 mile trip.

Bandwidth is huge too. Especially all these high res images.

I asked questions about this issue once before and Joe was out of pocket while others screamed of wanting to ‘dox’ I’m not new to the Net but the term was. The concept wasn’t. Nor was that my intention.

I just wanted to know where the money went because it seemed to me that there should be enough income with what I see as supporters.


What most people don’t realize, is that although this site appears to be low traffic, you don’t see all the lurkers that are using it. When I was an admin at Cannabis Culture forums we might have about 20 people using it regularly every day, but would have 3,000 plus lurkers. I was amazed when I would look at the people who were actually using the site but not participating. One night I remember there were just 3 members online and 37,000 lurkers all looking at stuff at the same time, yet not a comment or sign up :confounded:


I understand peoples concerns with where the money goes but in reality if you dont like the lack of transparency nobody’s forcing you to donate, ,sponsor or be here. When I can afford to start donating I will with no concern about where the money is going or if somebody is profiting, I like the site, i like the community and i apreciate the security of our information being on lockdown.


More than one way to contribute. Doesn’t exactly sound like an invitation unless it is to see my way out.

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Whoa, there fellas, no one is saying, you need to donate. This thread was made to see if there were more people who wanted to help out the site, and to show what benefits you get if you do.
Not ment to make people feel obligated in any way.
Just trying to help the site out is all.