Yucca Extract/ wetting agent upsetting stomata?

Saponin content is what you need to look for the higher the better.
The powder I linked is the cheapest and the best quality I have found.
I am pretty sure I have tried them all at least once.


@shag has done all the hard work for you @seeds2weeds

: )


Thanks guys I appreciate your help @shag @ifish


And @ifish has given you great advice.
All yucca works…
I have done my fair share research on yucca.
Yucca does a lot more than advertised.
It even kills bugs, but if you say that it suddenly becomes a pesticide. :astonished:

I am getting ready to start back up here.
I will need some yucca too.
I just checked the link and everything is sold out.
So I sent them a message.
They said they would have it back in stock next week.
There are other powders that are just as good, but they do cost a bit more.


Yes i just got a $100 amazon gift card so ill be buying the gs plant foods brand. 8oz for 35.

Im gonna be using this to make some kinda clone cleanse spray following another ogers advice.
Id like to take in a clone but im scared of a bug infestation after reading so many others had dealt with one.

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If it’s for killing bugs and not in flower , buy something with spinosad in it @seeds2weeds
: )


You got me on this years ago. Great stuff

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I too noticed it was out of stock. I use regularly, but have gotten to using it sparingly. For root drench, 1-2tbsp per 5 gallons. Foliar, 1/2tsp per gal. Much more and my sprayer plugs up.

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